- The company has docked us of three days of our annual leave. 公司将我们每年的休假时间减少了3天。
- They have docked us of two days of our annual leave. 他们已从我们每年的休假里扣除了两天。
- When will you take the balance of your annual leave? 你打算什麽时候使用剩余的年假?
- How much annual leave do you get? 你们的年假有多长?
- Our annual leave is thirty days. 我们每年休假30天。
- I'm requesting a day of annual leave for personal reasons. 因为个人原因,我想休一天年假。
- Tom: Are you looking forward to taking your annual leave this year? 汤姆???对今年的年假很期待吗?
- Besides feasts and festivals, employees have annual leave. 除了节假日之外,工作人员每年还有休假。
- Bill has purposed a detailed travel plan for his annual leave. 比尔为他的年假制定了详细的旅行计划。
- You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company policy. 年假:根据公司规定,您将会享有公司的年假。
- You need a manager's written consent if you want to take your annual leave. 请年假需要得到经理的书面许可。
- On June 1, 2000, the Government introduced a new fringe benefits package which includes revised leave earning rates, a new leave passage arrangement and non-accountable housing benefits for recruits. 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘员工制定一套新的附带福利条件,包括修订假期赚取率、就度假旅费福利作出新安排,以及提供非实报实销的房屋福利。
- On June 1,2000,the Government introduced a new fringe benefits package which includes revised leave earning rates,a new leave passage arrangement and non-accountable housing benefits for recruits. 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘员工制定一套新的附带福利条件,包括修订假期赚取率、就度假旅费福利作出新安排,以及提供非实报实销的房屋福利。
- A seafarer taking annual leave should be recalled only in cases of extreme emergency and with the seafarer's consent. 只有在极端紧急的情况下并取得海员的同意后才能将休年假的海员召回。
- Competitive market compensation and benefits, with considerate personal insurance system and annual leave. 有竞争力的薪酬福利,以人為本的个人保障体系和充足的有薪年假。
- Benefit include: Competitive salary, housing, meals, paid annual leave and bonus. 员工福利包括:具竞争力的薪金待遇、免费食宿、有薪年假、奖金。
- Paid Annual Leave will be given to all employees according to the China Labor Law. 根据中国劳动法给予员工有薪假期。
- From the second year, 2 more days will be added to annual leave for each additional year up to maximum 21 working days. 从第二年起,每一年可多享受2天年假,最高不超过21天。
- leave passage allowance entitlement 应享度假旅费津贴
- Annual leave for general staff is 7 working days, and position higher, more annual leave provide. 普通员工年休假为7个工作日,级别越高,年休假时间越长。