- Sometimes I really afraid to say sth to you. 真希望你是心理医生。
- Leave Your Messages: just say sth to me. 留下你的感言。
- Time is early.Shall we have sth to eat? 现在时间还早,一起去吃点东西好吗?
- I have sth to handle, could i go first? 我有要事要处理;可以先走一步吗.
- annex sth(to sth) 附加;添加
- Take sb's hand and clasp it when agreeing to sth. 紧握某人的手表示同意某事物。
- to bring sth to an end, put an end to sth 使某事终止
- Stick to: not abandon or change sth.; Keep to sth. 不放弃,坚持或维持某事物。
- Compare(with sth.;measure up(to sth. 能(与某事物)相比;比得上(某事物)
- Neither be enslaved to sth nor... 不制于物,不以物役。
- It's good to be scared. It means you still have sth to lose. (有时候)会害怕是件好事。这意味着你还有东西可以失去。
- attach sth to sth ;connect sth with sth;attribute sth to sth 将某事物与另一事物相联系;将某事物归于另一事物
- Should we call the public attention by writing sth to the meida? 我们该不该写点东西给媒体以引起公众的注意呢?
- Vesa, I really wanna say sth to u about ur emotional staff now. 好像自从5月份从欧洲回来之后,就一直没逛街了。
- I thought I was immune to movie stars. Immune to sth. 有免疫力的,不受事物影响,不易感受某事物。
- Refer to, compare to, in contrast to compare to sth. 表示比喻或比拟,而。
- I managed to help him out of trouble. Help oneself to sth. 帮助克服困难。
- Label( attached to sth,giving details of its price,size,etc. (附于某物上标明价格、尺码等的)标签.
- Firm control,making it impossible for sth to grow or develop properly. 控制某事物;使某事物不能正常成长或发展。
- It is no use blaming, and we should do sth to protect the balance of zoology. 抱怨是没有用的,我们应作些什么来保护生态平衡。