- angulus colli 颈角
- Ceramiche Ricchetti, Iris, Colli, Lea, Viva, Casa Dolce Casa. 肱伊蜕夼铀裂 刑稍肆 樵撂缮;
- I monti produrranno pace al popolo, e i colli pure, mediante la giustizia! 因着公义,愿大山和小山都给人民带来和平。
- Her body shape is slim , angulus oris is always hanging slight smiling expression. 标签: 英语 翻译, 翻译, 文字她身形苗条,嘴角总是挂着淡淡的笑容。
- According to Bede, their homeland was Angulus, traditionally identified as the Angeln district in Schleswig. 根据比得的说法,他们在欧洲大陆的故乡是什列斯威(Schleswig)的安格尔恩(Angeln)地区。
- I middle linger at the vast world , seek mildness being left over in your angulus oris. 我在辽阔的世界中徘徊,寻找残留在你嘴角的温柔。
- After an arduous journey through lands little known, I arrived in Colli Romani . 我拿了些513开始进行酿造,这将在一个小时内完成。
- Nietzsche Werke, Kritische Gesamtausgabe (KGW), Herausgegeben von Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari. 尼采全集,历史考证版(缩写KGW),出版人科利,蒙梯那利。
- Chateau Angulus donated vintage 2003 of 18L for charity auction, only 5 bottles available in the world! 金钟庄捐出全球只有5瓶的18公升2003年正牌酒参与当晚的慈善拍卖。
- The nervus cutaneus colli mainly conducted to the cells of facial nucleus in the middle area. 颈皮神经主要传导至面神经核的中间细胞群;
- Vitt LJ, Colli GR, 1994.Geographical ecology of a neotropical lizard:Ameiva ameiva (Teiidae) in Brazil.Can.J.Zool. 72:1 986 -2 008. 林植华;计翔;2000.;浙江丽水中国石龙子的食性、两性异形和雌性繁殖
- Thereupon the boy starts laughing at changing , becoming that angulus oris that the girl is fond of to be concerned about a dirty trick , be cynical or humorous. 于是男孩开始改变,变成女孩喜欢的那种嘴角挂着坏坏的笑,玩世不恭或者幽默。
- Measurement of angulus acetabulum,h value,f value,Shenton's line and Calve's line provide important information for earlier diagnosis of infant CDH especially for the infants whose epiphysis of femoral head has not yet appeared. 髋关节平片测量髋臼角、h值、f值以及Shenton线、Calve线为婴幼儿CDH ,尤其是股骨头骺尚未出现婴儿CDH的早期诊断提供了重要依据。
- The habituation slightness elevates angulus oris, 习惯性悳微微扬起嘴角,
- va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli, 飞吧,君临山坡、山丘,
- Angulus oris elevates the pale smile, 嘴角扬起惨白悳微笑,
- sarcoma colli uteri hydropicum papillare 葡萄状肉瘤
- hygroma cysticum colli congenitum 水囊状淋巴管瘤
- Angulus oris elevates the pale smile, 嘴角扬起惨白旳微笑
- angulus anterior pyramidis ossis tempo-ralis 颞骨锥体前角