- We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort. 我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。
- With a sudden output of effort he moved the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。
- The little girl pieced the story together after a lot of effort. 小女孩费了好大劲才拼凑出来那个故事。
- Trying to hit a humbug was a waste of effort. 想打一个欺骗兽就跟想跟他们说话一样是白费力气。
- A wrong approach means a waste of effort. 路子不对等于白费劲儿。
- angina of effort 劳累型心绞痛, 奋力性心绞痛
- Controlling oneself takes a lot of effort. 要控制自己很不容易。
- With a sudden output of effort he moves the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。
- Learning any language takes a lot of effort. 学习任何语言都需要花费很多努力。
- He passed the exams with the minimum of effort. 他没费什么劲就通过了考试。
- Our years of effort has finally borne fruit now. 我们多年的努力现在终于开花结果了。
- Every drop of effort brings a gush of rewards. 一点点的努力都会带来巨大的回报。
- He put a lot of effort into arranging the concert. 他为音乐会的筹备工作付出很大力气。
- This method can save a lot of effort. 用这个方法进行计算可以偷巧。
- "Returf the grass is a waste of effort and money. " - 重新种上草皮既费力又耗钱,有关当局应该在秃草地上铺上石板。
- He hawks with a megaphone, saving a lot of effort. 他用喇叭筒叫卖,省劲多了!
- They spent a great deal of effort retrieving the firm from ruin. 他们费了好大的劲才使公司免于崩溃。
- The chromium in the hair when angina of coronary heart disease comes on is reduced apparently, hint chromic lack may be one of critical factors that cause coronary heart disease. 冠心病心绞痛发病时头发中铬明显降低,提示铬的缺乏可能是导致冠心病的危险因素之一。
- He has put a lot of effort into his study of foreign languages. 他在外文上面下了很多功夫。