- A jurist of great breadth and wisdom. 一个非常开明且睿智的法官
- A country should mainly rely on the strength and wisdom of its own people. 一个国家应主要依靠本国人民的办量和智慧。
- Intellect and Wisdom are both important for a Mage. 智力和智能是两者的重要为一个魔术师。
- They are the wit and wisdom of the place. 他们是当地的能人贤士。
- He gave an example of bravery and wisdom. 他是个智勇双全的典型。
- Haste and wisdom are things far odd. 轻率与智慧相距遥远。
- He displayed immense courage and wisdom. 他表现出极大的勇敢和智慧。
- Knowledge and wisdom complement one another. 道德与知识是相辅相成的。
- These tags of wit and wisdom bore me. 这些了无新意的格言使我厌烦
- Canonize pursuing diligence and wisdom. 推崇对智慧和勤奋的追求
- They displayed to the full their talent and wisdom. 他们充分展现了自己的才华和智慧。
- We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. 我们希望你的智慧使你窒息。
- We hope your rules and wisdom will choke you! 总有一天,你们的规则和智慧将掐断你们的喉咙!
- You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did. 你在寻求真知和智慧,我一度也是这样。
- A man should have both courage and wisdom. 人既要有勇气又要有智慧。
- Knowledge is infinite and wisdom has no boundary. 学识没有顶峰,智慧没有边界。
- Patience is the basis of all intellect and wisdom. 耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。
- Patience is the basic of all intellect and wisdom. 耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。
- The dawdling can make man's soul and wisdom rusty. 游手好闲会使人心智生锈。
- Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power. 知识带来智慧而智慧就是力量。