- ferric chloride, perchloric acid, and nitric acid reagent 氯化铁、高氯酸和硝酸试剂
- and nitric acid reagent 氯化铁、高氯酸和硝酸试剂
- All the pollution is not acid rain, i.e., sulphuric and nitric acid dissolved in precipitation. 酸雨为含有硫酸和硝酸的雨,它并不是造成污染的唯一原因。
- Non-corrosion medium such as water, oil products, and gas, etc, and nitric acid corrosion medium. 水、油品、气等非腐蚀介质和酸碱腐蚀介质。
- The author compared the effects of chlorhy-dric acid and nitric acid in determination. 本文比较了同一发样的盐酸溶液和硝酸溶液测定值。
- Organic phosphorus was turned into phosphoric acid by oxidation in dense vitriol and nitric acid. 有机磷经浓硫酸-硝酸氧化分解,转化为正磷酸。
- Usual chromic and nitric acid bright dips for cadmium are not chromate treatments. 通常铬和硝酸明亮镉逢低不铬酸盐处理。
- An acid is a compound which neutralizes a solution of sodium hyroxide. Common examples are sulphuric acib and nitric acid. 酸是能中和氢氧化钠溶液的化合物,通常的例子是硫酸和硝酸。
- Alumina sols of different content were prepared by using Al(O-Sec-Bu)3 as precusor, water as solvent and nitric acid as peptizer. 以异丁醇铝为前驱物、水为溶剂、硝酸为胶溶剂制备了不同浓度的氧化铝溶胶,进而采用提拉法和旋覆法制备了致密氧化铝膜。
- Aqua mesophase pitch (AMP) was prepared through oxidation of coal tar pitch with mixtures of concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid. 以煤焦油沥青为原料,经过氧化、碱溶制备出水性中间相沥青,着重考察了制备条件对水性中间相沥青在水相中凝胶化的影响。
- And nitric acid salt, nitrite is united in wedlock possibly in human body stomach with amine, form inferior saltpetre amine, this is very powerful carcinogen. 而硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐在人体胃中可能与胺类结合,形成亚硝胺,这是很强的致癌物质。
- With sulfuric acid (60 %), and nitric acid under catalyzing, cassava residue could be prepared into oxalic acid through hydrolyzation-oxidization-hydrolyzation. 经实验证明,在浓硫酸(60 %25)、浓硝酸和催化剂共同作用下,经水解-氧化-水解可成功地将木薯渣制备成草酸。
- FTIR spectra confirms that the surface of CNTs-C foam can be grafted with carboxyl and hydroxyl groups after being activated with mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. 红外光谱结果表明利用浓硫酸和浓硝酸的混合溶液处理可以使复合泡沫表面活化形成羧基和羟基,从而使复合泡沫具备较强的分子吸附能力。
- The parameters of temperature, thorium concentration, TBP and nitric acid concentration in TBP-kerosene system were measured as a function of the speed of ultrasonic propagation. 测定了超声波的声速与有机相的温度、钍浓度、TBP和硝酸浓度等参数关系,除TBP浓度外,均得到了良好的线性关系。
- Acid rain results when the airborne pollutants combine with moisture in the air to form sulfuric and nitric acids that fall back to Earth, usually in rain or snow. 空气传播的污染物与大气中的水分结合,形成硫酸和硝酸,然后以雨或雪的形式降回地面,形成了酸雨。
- A new technology for preparation of lower-sulfuric expandable graphite was presented, which used natural flake graphite as raw material, sulfuric acid and nitric acid as oxidant, and decanol as reducing agent. 研究了一种以天然磷片石墨为原料 ,硫酸和硝酸的混酸为氧化剂 ,癸醇为还原剂 ,制备低硫可膨胀石墨的新工艺。
- The stent was immerged the mixed solutions of the acetic acid and nitric acid with the proportion of 3:7,5:5,7:3 for 3,5,7 min, respectively. The roughness was checked by surface figure machine(SuFcom750A). 首先,我们采用化学腐蚀使支架表面更粗糙,腐蚀剂分别采用冰乙酸和硝酸3:7、5:5、7:3 的比例混合,然后将支架浸入溶液中3、5、7 分钟后取出,采用表面轮廓仪检测支架的表面粗糙度。
- The urine protein content and the levels of nitric oxide in the uterus and placenta on days 13 and 20 of gestation were determined by sulfosalicylic acid test and nitric acid reductase method,respectively. 以磺柳酸法检测孕鼠第13,20日尿蛋白浓度; 硝酸还原酶法检测子宫、胎盘组织的一氧化氮(NO)含量。
- A modified semicoke desulfurizer for FCC gasoline was prepared by hydrothermal and nitric acid activation and dipping with activate component using Zhalainuoer semicoke as raw material. 以扎赉诺尔半焦为原料,采用硝酸活化、水热活化和浸渍活性组分等改性方法,制备了改性半焦脱硫剂,并用于脱除FCC汽油中的各种硫化物。
- A pulpy or cottonlike polymer derived from cellulose treated with sulfuric and nitric acids and used in the manufacture of explosives,collodion,plastics,and solid monopropellants. 硝化纤维素一种柔软的或类似棉物的聚合体,由经硫酸和硝酸处理过的纤维素获得,用于炸药、胶棉、塑料以及固体燃料的生产中。