- and meadows brown and sear. 草地一片枯黄。
- The dying leaves became brown and curled up. 快死的叶子发黄而卷曲。
- Heat a large skillet and sear the beef. 烧热平底锅,将牛肉表面略煎。
- There lay great woods around the fields and meadows. 广大的树林围绕着田野和草地。
- Bertha is a cute brown and white bear. 柏莎是一只可爱的棕白相间的熊.
- Mr Brown and Mr White are old friends because they both hail from the same town. 布朗先生和怀特先生是老朋友,因为他们来自同一个城镇。
- Its name derives from two Old Norse words meaning god and meadow. 其名称来源于两个意思分别为“神”和“草地”的古斯堪的纳维亚语汇。
- This is a good forage grass in steppe and meadow steppe regions. 这在干草原和草甸干草原地区是一块好饲料草地。
- After the harvest,the stalks were brown and bare. 收获以后,只剩光秃的棕色杆茎。
- This dress comes in black, brown and red. 这款连衣裙有黑、棕和红三种颜色。
- As they walked, Brown and Polack talked idly. 布朗和波兰克一边走,一边还说着闲话。
- After the harvest, the stalks were brown and bare. 收获以后,只剩光秃的棕色杆茎。
- I love the brown and gold of autumn leaves. 我喜欢金褐色的秋叶。
- It is brown and its name is Suzie. (小狗)是棕色的,它的名字叫苏西。
- Stir-fry garlic and sear rolled pork loin in hot olive oil, turn the joint constantly to make the fat brown evenly on all sides. 以烧热的橄榄油爆香蒜头及封煎猪排,不停翻动,煎至各面都成均匀的黄色。
- A brown and a black are one the roof. 屋顶上有一只棕色猫和一只黑色猫。
- Leaf N,P and K were higher of blueberry cultured on dark brown forest soil and meadow bog gleyed soil. N、P和K 含量在暗棕色森林土和草甸沼泽地土壤上较高;
- A brown and white dog is at your doorsteps. 一只褐白两色的花狗在你门口。
- Shi Y,Zhang L,Lu C Y et al.Decomposition Process of organic carbon of different organic materials in meadow brown soil[J].Ecol.Environ.,2003,12(1):56-58. [8]史奕;张璐;鲁彩艳;等.;不同有机物料在潮棕壤中有机碳分解进程[J]
- Then Jerry Brown and Paul Tsongas spoke. 随后是杰里.;布朗和保罗