- The moon drifted from behind the clouds and exposed the pallid face. 月亮从云朵后面钻出来,照着尸体那张苍白的脸。
- and exposed the pallid face. 照着尸体那张苍白的脸。
- The moon drifted from behind the clouds and exposed the paled face. 月亮从云后面钻出来,照出了那苍白的面孔。
- The moon drifted from behind the clouds and exposed the pale face. 月亮从云后面钻出来,照出了那苍白的面孔。
- The wind had ripped away the clapboards and exposed the studding . 风刮掉了护墙板,显露出壁骨材料。
- The wind had ripped away the clapboards and exposed the studding. 风刮掉了护墙板,显露出壁骨材料。
- The pallid face of the invalid. 病号的苍白的脸
- the pallid face of the invalid; her wan face suddenly flushed. 病人苍白的脸;她苍白的脸突然红了起来。
- Many techniques were unsafe and exposed the workers to highly toxic chemicals. 许多技巧是不安全的,暴露了工人的剧毒化学品。
- He saw the deception and exposed it. 他看出了这个诡计,并揭穿了它。
- You will now represent and expose the behavior of a member as a Web service. 现在将成员的行为作为Web服务进行表示和公开。
- the pallid face of the invalid;her wan face suddenly flushed. 病人苍白的脸;她苍白的脸突然红了起来。
- He saw the deception and exposed it . 他看出了这个诡计,并揭穿了它。
- Wong Kwong Yu incident doubt this misjudgment, and exposed the United States and abroad will stock may be sold. 黄光裕事件疑云未消,又曝出国美股权将可能被出售的消息。
- Sue Wanjin's Epitaph filled the gap of the official history, and exposed the reality of abdication. 摘要索万进墓志填补了正史的空白,揭开了汉周禅让的内幕。
- His dry pallid face often looked gaunt. 他那张乾瘪苍白的脸常常显得憔悴。
- Muckrakers---muckrakers were reform-minded journalists who made investigation and exposed the dark sides of the society. 黑幕揭发者,是指那些调查和揭露社会黑色的一面的富有改革思想的记者。
- They took fat tissue from people who had liposuction, removed adult stem cells from the tissue and exposed the cells to the virus in the lab. 他们利用人们吸脂手术后的脂肪组织,从这些组织中分离出成年干细胞,并且在实验室里将这些细胞暴露在病毒中。
- To further his cause, Hernandez has even stolen mayors' garbage and exposed the sad state of their plastic and glass segregation. 不只如此,贺南德兹还曾经偷了市长的垃圾,向社会大众展示分类塑胶和玻璃可悲的现状。
- They exposed the true aims of the war. 他们揭露了这次战争的真实目的。