- after which the armies fell into line and marched away, and Tom turned homeward alone. 一切结束之后,双方部队先列好队形,然后开拔,而汤姆也就独自回家了。
- and Tom turned homeward alone. 而汤姆也就独自回家了。
- I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. 我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。
- Peter and Tom finally made up in the end. 彼特和汤姆最后和解了。
- Then Tom turned coolly away, still talking, and took Amy with him. 汤姆冷冰冰地转身带着艾美走了,边走边和她谈着。
- Twilight was falling as he turned homeward. 他转身往家走时,已是。
- The bandit catch Bill, and Tom leave him in the lurch. 歹徒抓住了比尔,而汤姆却把他弃之不顾。
- Mary and Tom had corresponded with each other before they met. 玛丽和汤姆见面前已互相通过信。
- Tom turned over the note and read, "Come and look for me in the study. 汤姆把便条翻过来读道,“到书房来找我。”
- While our horses whinny on the road, eager to turn homeward. 嘶马出门思故乡。
- His uncle left him10000 and Tom is living for the time in a fool's paradise. 汤姆叔叔留给他10000英镑,他眼下正做着黄粱美梦。
- The boys went home and Tom was left to himself. 男孩们都回家了。只剩下汤姆孤单一人。
- Mary lives in Spain, and tom lives in Spain, too. 玛丽住在西班牙,汤姆也住在西班牙。
- As he turned homeward,the sun was sinking below the western horizon. 他转身返家时,太阳正徐徐西沉。
- Jeff and Tom came to terms regarding the contract. 杰夫和汤姆针对这项契约达成协议。
- As he turned homeward, the sun was sinking below the western horizon. 他转身返家时,太阳正徐徐西沉。
- Lonand and Tom Shawn were tending bar. 洛那德和汤姆·肖恩照管着柜台。
- Tom turned the other cheek when he was hit with a snowball. 汤姆被雪球击中后并不回击。
- Mary and Tom will come to my house today. 玛莉和汤姆今天要来我家。
- The ladder feel and Tom couldn't get off the roof. 梯子倒了,汤姆无法从屋顶上下来。