- The Changes of Ancient River Course of the Yellow River in Lanzhou East Basin 兰州东盆地黄河古河道变迁研究
- ancient river course 古河道
- The river course is being cleaned. 河道正在被清理着。
- The valley was formed ages ago when an ancient river ran dry. 这山谷是很早以前由一条古河道干涸后而形成的。
- The river course of Yong River in Ningbo is seriously polluted. 甬江宁波段污染较重。
- Wipes the teardrops are this river course's star tonight. 拭出的泪珠是今夜这河道上的星星。
- The old river course has been filled up and remade into a driveway. 这条河流的故道已经被填平,修成公路了。
- If anyone needs my help, trace the ancient river up into the mountains. 嗣后有人来找我,顺着古河往上寻。
- There are an ancient river retaining wall for the East Side East Moat. 还有一条古河道为东城东墙外的护城壕。
- Dredging the river aims at keeping the river course smooth and water clean. 清挖河道是为了保持河道畅通,河水清洁。
- The river Kishon swept them away, The ancient river, the river Kishon. March on, O my soul, with strength! 21基顺河,就是那基顺古河,把敌人冲没;我的魂哪,应当努力前行。
- The river of Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the river Kishon.O my soul, thou hast trodden down strength. 基顺河的急流把他们冲没,古河的急流、基顺河的急流,我的心哪,你要努力践踏。
- These changes indicate that the ancient river county new geological changes since the 13th century the intensity. 这些古河道的变迁表明了新河县13世纪以来地质变动的剧烈程度。
- Enclosing river courses for cultivation is prohibited. 禁止围垦河道。
- The groundwater mostly is replenished by river courses. 地下水是由河流提供的。
- Guli ancient river as a Yudai Taiwan from north to south through Bayan he pull grassland, Chifeng north-south link across the asphalt road and off. 古力古台河象一条玉带从北至南贯通巴彦他拉草原,连接赤峰南北的柏油公路横穿而过。
- Xiao near Queen Mother River, the ancient Tonghuihe, ancient river, three canals along the canal water will be restored. 附近的肖太后河、古通惠河、古运河河道等三条运河古道的水系也将得到恢复。
- Major changes in a river course result in both lateral shifts of the old meander belt and in the development of new belts. 河道中大的变动,造成老河曲带的侧向迁移和新河曲带的产生。
- Construct dykes along the main river course of the Tarim to channel water through the inland delta down to the lower reaches. River branches are cut off. 沿着塔里木河干流建堤坝,把水通过中游的内陆三角洲送到下游。塔里木内陆三角洲的支流被打断了。
- Liaocheng is located in Luxi plains, ancient river transport, is at the center of a long history, because nothing in the ancient river named after the West Bank. 聊城地处鲁西平原,古运河畔,是座历史悠久的重镇,因位于古聊河西岸而得名。聊城古城池位置和布局状若凤凰,故素有"凤凰城"之称。