- ancient Indian philosophy 印度古代哲学
- Ancient Indian tribes communicated by sign language. 古印第安人用信号来传递信息。
- I used to work in Nepal, the home town of Buddha in ancient Indian time. 我曾在尼泊尔呆过,那里古代属印度,是释迦牟尼的故乡。
- What the ancient Indian people called as Sinian is China at present. 古代印度人称的震旦就是今天的中国。
- For information about philosophical thought in Asia and the Middle East, see Chinese Philosophy; Islam; Buddhism; Daoism (Taoism); Confucianism; Indian Philosophy. 包括东方和中东的哲学思想,见中国哲学,伊斯兰哲学,佛教,道教,孔子思想和印度哲学
- The Mughals also patronized this game, but the Mughal card-sets differ from those of the ancient Indian royal courts. 莫卧儿王朝也赞同这种游戏,但莫卧儿时期的卡片集与古印度皇室有所不同。
- Hindu philosophy( one of the main divisions of Indian philosophy) is traditionally seen through the prism of six different systems( called darshanas in Sanskrit) that are listed here and make up the main belief systems of Hinduism. 印度哲学(中一个印度哲学的划分)统上是被看作折射出六个不同体系(梵语称为“达显”)这里就列举出来,弥补了印度教的主要信仰体系。
- While those who have not been reached by formal Indian philosophy have only vague ideas about the doctrines of karma and moksha, in semipopular milieus these doctrines gave rise to much speculation. 这些内容还没有被正规的印度哲学所触及的时候,它们只不过是业报和解脱信条的含糊概念,这些信条在半通俗的环境中会引发起更多的思索。
- One Yojana being 7.2 kms., the ancient Indian estimates came close to the actual figure. 一瑜伽那斯等于7.;2公里,古代印度估计已经接近真实图像。
- Finally, the emphasis on humanism and the centrality of the individual self, expressed in some Western views of psychology, is out of synchrony with the major themes of Indian philosophy. 最后,一些西方心理学观点中所强调的人本主义和集中于个体自我与印度哲学的重要主题不相一致。
- Few buildings on earth can compete with the legendary beauty of the Taj Mahal where lie in the ancient Indian city of Agra. 地球上几乎没有什么建筑能与古印度亚格拉城的泰姬玛哈陵的传奇之美同日而语。
- Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument to love ever created. 泰姬陵矗立于印度古都阿格拉城,是有史以来为爱情而建的最华丽的纪念物。
- The ancient Indian healing system known as Ayurveda can help you answer such questions. 印度古老而闻名的疗愈系统阿育吠陀会给诸如此类的问题一个完美的答案。
- What we know about ancient Indian flying vehicles comes from ancient Indian sources; written texts that have come down to us through the centuries. 我们所知道飞车来自古印度资料;通过数世纪传至我们的书面记录。
- The ancient Indian epic describes a Vimana as a doubledeck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer. 依照古代史诗描述,一个维曼拿是一个双重的碟子,圆形的航行器,带有舷窗和圆屋顶,非常像我们想像中的飞碟。
- Hands down ancient times, between ancient Indian and on China's island, has a Sa mulberry kingdom, King named Shan Nuya. Shan Nu... 相传古时候,在古印度和中国之间的海岛上,有一个萨桑王国,国王名叫山努亚。山努...
- Vessels were of many types Their construction is vividly described in the Yukti Kalpa Taru an ancient Indian text on Ship-building. 他们有很多建造类型的船,广泛地在古印度文献YuktiKalpaTaru的造船业部分描述。
- This need not come as a surprise because surgery (Shastrakarma) is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda the ancient Indian system of medicine. 不必为此惊讶,因为手术(Shastrakarma)是古代印度医药体系中印度草医学八分支之一。
- Through the analysis on materials in the sastra, the main theoretical differences between Buddhism and other schools of ancient Indian thought can be known. 通过对这方面内容的分析,可以了解佛教与许多印度古代思想派别的基本理论差别。
- More recently, Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja in his book Vedic Mathematics claimed ancient Indian Hindu Vedic proofs for the Pythagoras Theorem. 在吠陀数学一书中声称古代印度教吠陀证明了毕达哥拉斯定理。