- Those ancient battle drums and horns marking the five watches of the night, whimpering in the winter wind; 那五更的鼓角,在寒风中呜咽;
- Having heard the battle drums and horns, it is certain that our troops have started their attack. 耳听得鼓角齐名,想必我们的军队已经开始进攻了。
- The fine arts in Red Region possess his bright political tendentiousness and strong revolution utility , and have acted as the "battle drum and horn" in the revolution struggle. 苏区美术具有其鲜明的政治倾向性与强烈的革命功利性,在革命斗争中起到了“战鼓”和“号角”的作用。
- The sound of battle drums never means peace. 鼙鼓的声音从来都不代表和平。
- Drums and gongs were beating boisterously. 锣鼓敲打得很热闹。
- Peace has no drums and trumpets to stir the pulse. 和平没有鼓动人们情绪的鼓号。英汉大词典
- Less drums and none of the songs are chinked-out. 歌里很少用到鼓,也没有一首歌再走chinked-out风格。
- Snare drums and cymbals are traps. 小军鼓和钹是打击乐器。
- Shep O'Neal tells about Dolly Parton's record, Halos and Horns. 接下来谢普?奥尼尔为我们介绍多莉?帕顿的专辑《光环与号角》。
- Beats: music, usually with heavy drum and bass. 强音拍,强节奏:通常带有很强的击鼓声和贝司乐的音乐。
- I tapped on her drum and asked her how come. 问她这一切所为何来。
- Strike up the drum and march courageously. 敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。
- At once we hear the drums and the squawk of trumpets. 我们便立刻听到了鼓声和刺耳的喇叭声。
- Battle drums thundering and the colours fluttering, the soldiers were full of power and grandeur. 张华很同意杜预的分析,也劝司马炎快快攻打吴国,以免留下后患。
- They put my hands in a metal drum and burned them. 他们把我的手放进一个金属滚筒里烧了。
- In rhythm with the competition, wild music clangs across the river, as drums, gongs and horns sound enthusiastically. 此时,乐曲响彻江面,皮鼓冬冬,铜锣当当,号子高亢。
- White Bear ancient warfare, ancient warfare bears yellow, golden ancient bison, bears a yellow ancient battle, four pet powerful horse, players can choose one. 白色上古战熊、黄色上古战熊、金色上古野牛、黄色上古战熊,四种威猛的宠物坐骑,玩家可任选其一。
- The relatively gentle, flowing nature of lava in Hawai’i creates mounded mountains said to resemble ancient battle shields, giving them the name shield volcanoes. 相对温和的,流动的性质,熔岩在夏威夷创造mounded山说,类似于古战场的盾牌,让他们的名字盾火山 。
- That night, wind Blew fiercely and rain came down heavily. Pang De, sitting in his tent, heard the restless movements of the horses and the sound of Battle drums. 就在这天夜里,风雨大作,庞德在帐中,只听万马奔腾,喊声震天。
- There was a roll of military drums and then an announcer spoke. 一阵军鼓声之后,一个广播员说道: