- This set of ancient china is invaluable. 这套古瓷器非常珍贵。
- Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China. 杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。
- The legend springs from ancient China. 这传说来自古代的中国。
- Theories of kingship in ancient China. 古代的帝王论。
- Was an eminent landscape poet in ancient China. 是中国古代著名的山水诗作家。
- Encyclopedia of Woman in Ancient China ( 8 Vol. 中国古代女子全书(全8册)
- Excellent texts and pictures in ancient China. 在中国古代是很少见的。
- Ploughing Technologies in Ancient China. 古代中国耕作技术。
- On the southeastern coast in ancient China. 东南沿海的重要军事关隘。
- In ancient China, examination was called Ke Ju. 中国古代啊把考试叫做科举。
- In ancient China, there were lots of monasteries. 在古时候, 中国有许多寺院。
- But while Mr Singh is an impeccable frontman, the country’s politics has a much sleazier and more disreputable side. 虽然辛格作为头面人物无可指摘,但印度政治却有着更加丑陋、污秽的一面。
- The ancient China was freshened. 古老的中国获得了新生。
- By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician after effect 大纲8217;s politics books. 根据政策,警方不客气的把政客的政治书籍切成了薄片。
- "Dapi" meant "capital punishment" in ancient China. 一个头等重要的决定呼之欲出。
- Daoism was once a famous school in ancient China. 道家学说也曾是中国古代的显学之一。
- These tell us to renounce exceedingly liberalism and Utopia, meanwhile the morality plays a more important role in the world 's politics. 这些告诉我们,今天的政治哲学必须放弃极端自由主义、告别乌托邦,同时,重视道德因素在世界政治中扮演的重要角色。
- Mencius is an important thinker in ancient China. 孟子是中國古代重要的思想家。
- She arrived in Juneau, the state capital, with a squeaky-clean agenda, vowing to reform the state’s politics and root out corruption. 她走马上任后即高调的宣布了她的以清廉为旗帜的计划,宣布要改革该州的政治和清除腐败。