- psychological analytical aesthetics 精神分析美学
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- On Analytic Aesthetics'Predicament and Its Developing Trend 试论分析美学的困境及发展态势
- analytical aesthetics 分析美学
- The analytical method is dialectical. 分析的方法就是辩证的方法。
- Strong quantitative and analytical skills. 较强的定量分析能力。
- This is the aesthetics subordinated to politics. 这是那种隶属于政治的美学观。
- With good analytical capability. 有较强的分析能力。
- I'm going to read around the subject of aesthetics. 我打算阅读美学方面的书。
- What on Earth Does Aesthetics Research? 美学究竟研究什么?
- Here was praise which was keen and analytical. 她现在得到的称赞敏锐而富有分析性。
- He lacked profundity and analytical precision. 他缺乏深度和分析的精确性。
- Therefore, we should be analytical. 所以,要加以分析。
- Aesthetics of Literature and Art ? 文艺美学
- But fundamentally, it was an act of aesthetics. 但它归根结蒂是一项审美活动,
- She has a clear analytical mind. 她头脑清醒,善于分析。
- Hegel held that the object of aesthetics was art. 黑格尔认为美学的对象主要是艺术。
- An Analytical Formula for Calculating Fatigue Life? 一个估算疲劳寿命的解析公式?
- Strong logical and analytical thinking. 缜密的逻辑分析能力。
- Analysis Of Aesthetics Of Competitive P.E. 竞技体育的美学分析。