- analytic network process model 网络层次法模型
- Saaty T L. Decision Making with Dependence and Feedback: The Analytic Network Process[ M ]. RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA. 喻漠南;王家骅;卢韦.;运输系统工程[M]
- In analytic network process (ANP), how to construct reasonably the supermatrix of evaluated problem is a vital technical core. 摘要在网络分析(ANP)中,如何科学合理地构造出被评价问题的超矩阵是一个非常重要的技术关键。
- Analytic network process (ANP) and Super Decisions software were used to complete member selection for Supply and Marketing Transport &Warehouse Company. 结合某供销储运公司组建物流联盟的实际问题,建立了ANP理论为基础的盟员选择模型,并利用超级决策软件进行求解。
- The pairwise comparison technique is the building block of the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP) and Analytic Network Process ( ANP) , which has been widely used for multicriteria decision analysis. 两两比较判断技术是层次分析法(AHP)以及分析网络法(ANP)的基本构建之一,已经被广泛地应用在多目标决策分析中。
- Analytic Network Process (ANP) is a kind of new practical science decision analysis method on the foundation of AHP; it particularly suits for the evaluation decision of the complicated problem. 网络层次分析法(ANP)是在AHP基础上发展而形成的一种新的实用科学决策分析方法,尤其适合于复杂问题的评价决策。
- The Product Method of Analytic Network Process 网络决策分析的积因子方法
- the fuzzy analytic network process 模糊网络分析法
- fuzzy analytic network process(FANP) 模糊层次分析法
- Reverse Logistics;Service Quality;PZB Service Quality Model;Quality Function Deployment;Analytic Network Process 逆向物流;服务品质;PZB服务品质模式;品质机能展开;网路层级分析法
- Product Design Decision Making Based on Analytic Network Process 基于网络分析法的产品设计决策
- analytical network process (ANP) 网络分析法(ANP)
- fuzzy analytical network process 模糊网络分析法
- Application of analytic network process to evaluation of tender bids for bridge engineering 网络层次分析法在桥梁工程招标中的应用
- Factor Analysis Method;SWOT Analysis;The Balanced Scorecard;Reverse Logistics;Analytic Network Process 逆向物流;分析网路程序法;因素分析法;SWOT分析;平衡计分卡
- Markov Process is an extensively applied stochastic process model. 马尔可夫过程是一个有着广泛应用的随机过程模型.
- One of the largest areas of difference is in the process model. 差别最大的一个方面是进程模型。
- Keywords Axiomatic design Analytic network process(ANP) Innovation design Interaction; 公理设计;网络分析法;创新设计;交互作用;
- In a process model the data flows through the tasks. 在一个流程模型中,数据在任务之间流动。
- Then the applied applied concept process model is outlined. 并用概念的过程运用模型进行概述。