- Analysts here said the Bank of England will continue to implement the "quantitative easing" policy to stimulate the British economy. 此间分析人士表示,英国央行还会继续实施“量化宽松”政策来刺激英国经济。
- While many political analysts here may call the leadership's concerns about unrest overblown, history suggests that, perhaps, the leaders could have a point. 此间许多政治分析人士可能会要求领导人关注这些被夸大的不稳定因素,历史经验表明,或许,这些领导人会采纳一些建议。
- However there is widespread agreement among analysts here in Seoul that the timing of the tests suggests it represents a show of displeasure by the North .Kurt Achin ,VOA News ,Seoul. 然而南韩的分析家们一致认为此时的试射代表了北方的不满。
- Despite generals on both sides of the border expressing resolve to defend their countries at any cost, politicians and analysts here and in Pakistan have stressed there is little likelihood of war. 尽管边境两边的军事将领都坚决表示要不惜一切代价保卫国土,但是印度和巴基斯坦的政界人士和分析人士都强调说,不大可能爆发战争。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- The printer can set this additional page in here. 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- If he were here I can explain to him myself. 要是他在这里,我就可以亲自向他解释了。
- The printers have missed out a whole line here. 排版工人在这里漏掉了一整行。
- Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus here? 是否可在此购买观光巴士券?
- The motel is dead ahead about a mile from here. 那家汽车旅馆就在前方大约一英里的地方。
- We don't pay our financial analysts to be wise after the event! 我们花钱请财务分析家不是让他们当事后诸葛亮!
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- Here are the books for you to look through. 你要审查的书籍在这儿。
- Here we are in the yard of the steel mill. 这儿就是不锈钢厂的料场。
- That explains why she is not here. 那就说明了她不在这里的原因。
- He came running here with a knife held in one hand. 他一手握着刀向这里跑来。
- My husband will go berserk if he finds you here. 要是我丈夫发觉你在这里,他会气疯的。