- He sang an outdated song,which sounded very strang. 他唱了一首不再流行的歌,听起来很奇怪的。
- Dextrose (grape sugar) An outdated name for GLUCOSE. 葡萄糖(右旋糖):葡萄糖以前的名称。
- "What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow, " is not an outdated belief. The old parochial outlook has become a world view. "小范围的思想、言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论"并非过时的信条。昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。
- It wouldn't do to have an outdated view of that data. 沿用过时的数据是没有用的。
- an outdated building 老式的建筑物
- "What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow," is not an outdated belief. The old parochial outlook has become a world view. “小范围的思想、言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论”并非过时的信条。昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。
- You may have used an outdated link or may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly. 您输入的网站地址可能有误或者链接已无效。
- For her primary surface conveyance, Sing relied upon an outdated but highly modified swoop. 她的主要陆地交通工具是一辆虽然过时,但经过高度改装的飞行摩托。
- With URL redirects, incoming links to an outdated URL can be sent to the correct location. 使用URL重定向,当外链链入地址已经失效的时候可以将其转发到正确的地址。
- Australia had implemented a "white Australians" policy in the past. The emergence of the One Nation party is a backward step and an attempt to revive an outdated practice. 澳洲过去曾实施白澳政策,现在又出现一族党,企图促使开倒车的政策借尸还魂。
- This issue may occur if a non-Microsoft program that is installed on your computer uses an outdated kernel-mode filter driver. 如果计算机上安装的某个非Microsoft应用程序使用了旧版的内核模式筛选器驱动程序,就会出现此问题。
- Learning for learning's sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals. 为了学习而学习已经是过时的理念。现在的教育必须是面向未来并且有明确的目标。
- What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow, is not an outdated belief. The old parochial outlook has become a world view. 小范围的思想、言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论并非过时的信条。昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。
- "What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow"is not an outdated belief.The old parochial outlook has become a world view. “小范围的思想、言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论”并非过时的信条。昔日的那个地方范围的观点已成了一种世界范围的观点。
- Learning for learnings sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals. 研究历史的主要的好处是打破人们认为在一个时期的人们和历史上任何其他时期的人们迥然不同的幻觉。
- After an outdated domain controller or global catalog server is reconnected, both instances of the user object appear in the global catalog. 之后一个过时的域控制器或全局编录服务器重新连接, 用户对象的两个实例出现在全局编录。
- We shall find ourselves with the same norms of honesty, progress, and humanism, and we shall have made of God an outdated hypothesis which will peacefully die off by itself. 我们将发现自己仍然有关于诚实、进步、人道主义的相同准则,我们将用上帝制造出一种将会平静消亡的过时假说。
- If someone you're sharing your drawing with can't open the drawing in the Visio Viewer, they may have an outdated version of the Visio Viewer. 如果与您共享绘图的人无法在Visio Viewer中打开绘图,则他们用的可能是已过时的Visio Viewer版本。
- There are not many words beginning in dw in the English language: dwindle, dwarf, dwell, and dweeb. (A dweeb is an outdated insult for someone who is boring or silly. (这是一个在现实中不存在的单词,用来指一种因吸入细微硅石粉粒而导致的肺炎,但是这个单词主要用来给出实例,即这是英语中最长的单词。)
- When your visitors mistype your web address or click on an outdated link and receive the dreaded error page, they'll most-likely click on their back button and never return. 当访问者键入错误的地址或者点击过期链接,打开错误时,它们会点击后退键,以后再也不会登录。