- She comes from an aristocratic family. 她出身贵族。
- He spoke with an aristocratic bearing. 他说话的时候带着一种贵族的气质。
- He is by pedigree an aristocrat. 他出身贵族。
- The put on the air of an aristocrat. 他摆出一副贵族的架势。
- A member of an aristocracy;an aristocrat. 贵族中的一成员;贵族
- A member of an aristocracy; an aristocrat. 贵族中的一成员;贵族
- an aristocratic attitude 贵族老爷式的态度
- Byron was born of an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation. 拜伦出生于一个名声有些问题的贵族家庭。
- And when I was ten years old, I was rich, I was an aristocrat. 当我十岁的时候,我很富有,我是一个贵族。
- He is an aristocrat to the very marrow of his bones. 他是一个道道地地的贵族。
- A: May is always putting on airs and acting like an aristocrat. 阿美老是装腔作势,装成一副上流社会人士的样子。
- A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. 在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。
- An aristocrat who was killed in the street by rabble. 一个在街头被暴徒杀死的贵族
- Further up, I ran into a man dressed like an aristocrat. 我继续往上走,碰到了一位穿戴雷同贵族的汉子。
- An aristocrat would like to see noblemen in control of the government. 主张贵族政治者愿意看到贵族控制政府。
- He tried to behave. like an aristocrat in order to win the heart of the girl. 为了赢得姑娘的心,他尽量表现得像个贵族。
- His father was an aristocrat and member of the provincial government. 他的父亲是贵族,在州政府里任职。
- With a diamond ring on your finger, you will have an aristocrat Bearing. 钻石戒指,贵族气派。
- The status of a housemaid is much too low compared with an aristocrat. 与贵族相比, 青衣的身份实在太低。
- It preserves intact the range of ancillary buildings associated with an aristocratic residence of this type. 这座拱廊风貌的贵族宅邸及其附属建筑被原封不动地保留了下来。