- He is carrying an unwieldy parcel. 他拿着一个笨重的包裹。
- The company is an unwieldy organization. 这个公司的办事机构庞大。
- an unwieldy parcel. 一个笨重的包裹
- Through it all, an unwieldy caste system governed lord and serf alike. 一个同时主宰统治者与被统治者的庞大迟滞的阶层体系,贯串整个时代。
- Being an independent public company may be better than being part of an unwieldy conglomerate. 一个独立的上市公司或许比成为企业集团的下属公司要好。
- Flaws range from a “culture of amateurism” in management to an unwieldy legal system, the government agency says. 该政府机构表示,这些缺陷从管理中的“业余文化”到不实用的法律体系,不一而足。
- The European Central Bank faces the difficult task of running monetary policy over an unwieldy currency area. 欧洲中央银行面临着在管理一个棘手的货币区的货币政策的艰难任务。
- Yet in domestic policy she is hamstrung by an unwieldy coalition and Germany's federal structure. 然而,在国内政策方面,她的联盟政策华而不实,各国的联邦体制则使她捉襟见肘、毫无建树。
- The results bring an end to an unwieldy four-year "grand coalition" between the CDU and the Social Democrats (SPD). 这一结果使得基督教民主党与社会民主党(SPD)之间长达四年的尴尬合作画上句号。
- But he is considered rather ineffectual and unlikely to deliver the goods, especially since he heads an unwieldy coalition of nine parties. 但他被认为能力较低不大可能履行诺言,尤其是在他领导笨拙不灵的九党联合政府之后。
- Putting Hillary Clinton in charge of an unwieldy, secretive task-force that attempted to present powerful senators with a masterplan backfired. 他让希拉里负责一个尾大不掉的秘密委员会,旨在率领有影响力的参议员们制定一个宏图大计,结果却事与愿违。
- The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms. 新的幽灵战斗机和导弹护卫舰女神在对抗灵活的虫族空军时被证明是一个笨拙的组合。
- Electronic retailing is in its infancy, thanks to an unwieldy government-controlled payment system, so most shopping is still done in person. 由于难于执行政府控制的支付制度,处于襁褓期的电子商务零售业,所幸依旧在个人交易中得以存生。
- Clips of orange smoke disrupt a shot of children playing and then a haunting" dance" takes place in an underwater dream world suspended within an unwieldy and collapsible sphere. 一个被黄色的烟雾打断小孩游戏的片断和在梦幻般水底下诡异的舞蹈的场景。
- The difficulty of the job is sometimes blamed on an unwieldy bureaucracy, which has a nasty habit of losing track of criminals and fluffing immigration nubmeus. 除非内政部是一条容易驾驶的船,那么在政府官僚主义习气的影响(漠视犯罪和移民问题的研究和应对)下,任何工作的困难是显而易见的。
- JiangSu TongZhou XiangYun Lace Embroidery CO., Ltd. is one of the lace producers has an unwieldy scale, the advancedskill, the completed Equipment and widespred assortment. 江苏通州祥云花边绣品有限公司是中国规模庞大、术先进、备完备、种广泛的花边生产企业之一。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。