- Children in an unstructured environment often feel insecure. 生活在无组织的环境中的孩子常常会缺乏安全感。
- The purpose of this thesis is to study the point-to-point navigation of an AGV in an unstructured environment. 本论文提出藉由安装低成本的感测器,以提供全向移动平台位移与方向角之资讯供回授 控制使用。
- An unstructured situation with no one in authority. 没有人处于权威的无组织的情形。
- Graduate school is a very unstructured environment in most cases. 在许多情况下,研究生院是一个非常自由的环境。
- an unstructured situation with no one in authority; a neighborhood gang with a relatively unstructured system; children in an unstructured environment often feel insecure; unstructured inkblots. 没有人处于权威的无组织的情形;有着相对非系统化的体系的临近群体;生活在无组织的环境中的孩子常常会缺乏安全感;杂乱的墨水斑点。
- an unstructured environment. 未被系统化的环境
- The body contains the clinical report, and can be either an unstructured blob, or can be comprised of structured markup. 主体部分容纳临床报告,它可以是非结构化的数据块,或者也可以包含结构化的标记。
- An unstructured grid was applied to the zone near the iced airfoil, whereas a structured grid was applied to save the storage and computational time. 在靠近积冰边界的内层采用了非结构网格,在非结构网格外采用结构化网格以节省存储空间和计算时间。
- The computed space meshes with ground effect of general propeller-driven aircraft are created with an unstructured mesh technology. 本文利用非结构网格技术生成螺旋桨飞机含地面效应的空间网格。
- The theory that an individual is developed by successive differentiation of an unstructured egg rather than by a simple enlarging of a preformed entity. 渐成说一种以为个体是由一个没有组织的卵子经过连续变异生长而成,而非一个整体简单扩张形成的理论。
- This paper provides a method to grasp static objects in unstructured environment with a manipulator guided by human-machine cooperation techniques. 摘要介绍了一种利用人机合作技术在非结构环境引导机械手抓取静态目标的方法。
- A new type of lunar rover with six cylinder conical wheels was designed considering the unstructured environment of the lunar surface. 针对月球表面的非结构化环境,设计了一种新型六圆柱-圆锥轮式月球车。
- The performance of the mobile robot under unstructured environment, including walking on slope and steps, surmounting obstacles, striding ditchs, self-recovery, etc., is analyzed. 本文主要分析该移动机器人在非结构环境下的斜坡行走、越障、跨沟、阶梯地形行走、自动复位等功能。
- Lane recognition in unstructured environments is the basis for vision-based navigation of mobile robots. 非结构化环境的道路分割是移动机器人视觉导航的一个重要研究内容。
- The intelligent robot mower (IRM) studied in this thesis is one kind of area-covering outdoor mobile robot working in the unstructured environments. 本论文研究的智能割草机器人(IRM)是全区域覆盖运行的户外移动机器人,工作在非结构化的草坪环境中。
- The method mainly realizes the functions of autonomous shape-shifting, autonomous obstacle-avoiding and autonomous navigation for the robot in unstructured environments. 该方法主要实现了在非结构环境中机器人的自主变形、自主避障和自主导航定位等功能。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。