- She was not happy because she got an unfriendly letter. 由于一封不友好的信件他很生气。
- The boy has an unfriendly manner. 那个男孩的态度不友好。
- An unfriendly attitude of the shop-assistant often annoys customers. 售货员不友好冷淡的态度常常使顾客生气。
- I think it an unfriendly act to slam the door in my face. 我认为你对着我砰然关门是不友善的举动。
- And a careless friendly hand can be as heavy as an unfriendly fist. 一只粗心的友好之手可能和一只不友好的拳头一样会把人击垮。
- an unfriendly letter 一封不友好的信
- Suppose that you have been stranded in a village in an unfriendly kingdom. 假如你流落在一个不友好王国的一个村庄中。
- An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends; he defies all sound judgment. 与众寡合的,独自寻求心愿,并恼恨一切真智慧。
- An unfriendly attitude of the shop - assistant often annoyscustomers. 售货员不友好冷淡的态度常常使顾客生气。
- And he also gave Hillary a valuable political lesson in how to tame an unfriendly crowd: produce something the audience can cheer. 他还向希拉里传授如何驯服不友好听众的秘诀:说一些能让听众情绪振奋的话题。
- He made a quick switch from an unfriendly to a friendly manner when he saw that they could help him. 当他意识到他们可以帮助他时,他的态度一下子从不友好变得友好了。
- Despite doctrinal differences between the two countries, Iran swiftly recognised a useful ally in an unfriendly neighbourhood. 自苏丹1989年的伊斯兰革命以来,伊朗与苏丹便拥有密切的联系;
- If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. 当一种不友好的外部力量试图改变美国现有的普通的教育情况,我们很可能把它视为一种战争行为。
- "CFR Cluj players showed great character after they managed to fight back and beat Roma in front of an unfriendly crowd, which ended up cheering them," Muresan told Reuters. 姆雷桑告诉路透社记者:“在充满嘘声和敌意的客场球迷面前,克鲁日队员决心反击罗马并显示出了顽强的斗志。”
- China is a rival. They can be a friendly rival or an unfriendly rival, but they neither want to sacrifice themselves to protect us nor harm themselves to spite us. 中国是一个竞争对手,她可以是一个友好的竞争对手或者不友好的竞争对手。但是,她不会为了保护我们的利益而牺牲自己,她也不会为了激怒我们而损害自己。
- She had an unfriendly attitude. 她的态度不友好。
- Across the country, women in their prime earning years, struggling with an unfriendly economy, are retreating from the work force, either perma-nently or for long stretches. 在全美各地,正值赚钱黄金年代的妇女正与不利的经济环境抗争,她们退出劳动人口,不管是暂时或长期性的。
- But the "Latin" Venetians, the bitter rivals of the Genoese, had been the allies and helpers of the Turks against the Greeks, and with the coming of the Turks Constantinople turned an unfriendly face upon Genoese trade. 但是说拉丁语的威尼斯人是热那亚人的死对头,他们充当土耳其人的盟友和帮手,共同反对希腊人,因此,随着土耳其人的到来,君士坦丁堡对热那亚的贸易摆出了一副冷面孔。
- She wrote him an advisory letter. 她给他写了一封劝告信。
- We received an anonymous letter. 我们收到一封匿名信。