- An excessive burden; an overload. 过重的负担;超载
- an overloaded style 过分夸张的文体
- An overloaded subprogram is an important concept in Ada language. 重载子程序是Ada语言的一个新概念.
- Abuzzer sounds to prevent an overloaded car from leaving the floor. 轿厢超载时,鸣响蜂鸣器并停止与该层站。
- The compiler therefore generates an overload resolution error. 编译器因此生成重载决策错误。
- A signature refers to one declaration of an overloaded function or method. 引向一个重载函数或方法的声明的签名。
- DrawEllipse is an overloaded method of the Graphics class, so there are several ways you can supply it with arguments. DrawEllipse是一种Graphics类的重载方法,因此您可以通过多种方式为它提供参数。
- DrawLine is an overloaded method of the Graphics class, so there are several ways you can supply it with arguments. DrawLine是Graphics类的一个重载方法,因此,有数种为其提供参数的方式。
- Due to an implicit conversion, the compiler was not able to call one form of an overloaded method. 因隐式转换的缘故,编译器无法调用重载方法的某种形式。
- You have made a call to an overloaded method, but the compiler cannot find a method with a matching argument list. 已调用重载方法,但编译器没有找到具有匹配参数列表的方法。
- The explosion of an overloaded power pack was preferable to being rent and savaged by a Hellcat. 即使让能量弹药包过载爆炸,也比被地狱猫撕扯蹂躏要强得多。
- The expression is ambiguous because both a conversion operator and an overloaded version of + are defined. 因为既定义了转换操作符又定义了+的重载版本,该表达式具有二义性。
- An overloaded function or method will have several signatures that will generally be typeset together. 一个重载函数或方法有多个签名,通常会排版在一起。
- Every file or directory creation method or constructor has an overload that accepts a file security parameter. 每个文件或目录创建方法或构造函数都有接受文件安全参数的重载。
- If you do create an overloaded method, no error will be raised when you register the assembly or create the type in SQL Server. 如果您确实创建了重载方法,则在SQL Server中注册程序集或创建该类型时将不引发任何错误。
- An overload of ethanol over a long period of time produces fatty liver, a degeneration of liver tissue. 过量的乙醇,经长时间积累,将使肝组织退化而产生脂肪肝。
- To maintain a balanced workload across CPUs, work can be redistributed, taking work from an overloaded CPU and giving it to an underloaded one. 为了在 CPU 之间维护任务负载的均衡,任务可以重新进行分发:将任务从负载重的 CPU 上移动到负载轻的 CPU 上。
- An overloaded unary operator has no (explicit) parameter if it is a member function and one parameter if it is a nonmember function. 重载一元操作符如果作为成员函数就没有(显式)形参,如果作为非成员函数就有一个形参。
- An overloaded operator has the same number of operands, associativity, and precedence as the corresponding operator when applied to the built-in types. 应用于内置类型时,重载操作符与对应操作符具有同样数目的操作数、同样的结合性和优先级。
- Similarly, an overloaded binary operator would have one parameter when defined as a member and two parameters when defined as a nonmember function. 类似地,重载二元操作符定义为成员时有一个形参,定义为非成员函数时有两个形参。