- He, as an old hand, had a desk to himself. 作为一个老资格的学生,他单独有一张书桌。
- He's an old hand (ie very experienced) at this game. 他是玩这种游戏的老手(很有经验).
- He advertised himself as an old hand. 他标榜自己是一个老手。
- Take it from an old hand in this field. 此乃本电脑老虫之肺腑之言也。
- He's an old hand at fixing cars. 他是修理汽车的老手。
- He,as an old hand,had a desk to himself. 作为一个老资格的学生,他单独有一张书桌。
- She's an old hand at dealing with the press. 她是对付新闻界的一位老手。
- I'm an old hand at this game; you can't trick me. (喻)这玩意儿我是老手,你骗不了我。
- An old hand at this sort of work. 对做这种工作有经验的人。
- She is an old hand at bluffing people. 她骗人很在行。
- Even an old hand like him had made a blunder this time. 即使老练如他,此时当真有点乱了章法。
- Philip is an old hand at reparing clocks. He has been doing it for many years. 菲利浦是个修理钟表的老手,他已干了许多年了。
- If you have any questions about this, ask Martha. She's an old hand. 关于此事你若有任何问题,可向玛莎请教,她是老手。
- Ikea is an old hand at herding customers through a labyrinthine store layout. 宜家很擅长通过迷宫一样的店铺设计来引导顾客。
- I could see the chaplain was an old hand at it, as his gaze never faltered. 神甫也很熟悉这套把戏,我立刻就明白了,因为他的目光直盯着不动。
- The children won't get to make a monkey out of her. She's an old hand at baby-sitting. 孩子们是不会跟她胡闹的,她是看孩子的老手了。
- He will finish the fence for you very quickly. He is an old hand at that kind of work. 他很快会为你把围栏弄好的,他是干这种活儿的老手。
- Aged as he is, he may well serve as a consultant, for an old hand is a good guide. 他虽年迈, 但老马识途, 作为顾问总是可以的。
- The author, Xinran Xue, who uses the name Xinran as a nom de plume, is an old hand. 曾经用欣然作为笔名的作家薛欣然是一位优秀的作家。
- He was an old hand at the job. 他做这工作是老手了。