- Man, why do you get such an oil burner? 老兄,你怎么弄这么一辆费油的车?
- A diesel engine is an oil burner. 柴油发动机是一个燃油器。
- An oil well blew out in the oil field. 油田里有一口油井发生井喷。
- That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。
- He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire. 他开始只经营一家小工厂,如今已成为一个石油大企业的头儿。
- An oil well blew out in the North Sea. 北海的一口油井发生了井喷。
- An oil pipe is being laid between the two cities. 在两座城市间正在铺设一条油管。
- A floating barrier serving to contain an oil spill. 浮木档栅一种漂浮的档栅,用来阻止流失的油份
- An oil or a flavoring obtained from this plant. 冬青油从这种植物中提取的油或调味香料
- She upset the oil burner and the whole room was soon in a blaze. 她弄翻了燃油炉,整房间马上就着火了。
- The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker. 据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。
- A thin wooden board, used as a surface for an oil painting. 画板一种薄木板,用作画油画的平面
- 4.Burn peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil in an oil burner or spill a few drops onto a tissue and inhale. 4.将薄荷油或桉树香精油放在燃油炉里燃烧或倒几滴在面巾纸上,将其呼入体内。
- This is an oil well that no longer produces. 这是一口不再出油的油井。
- Some stoves are oil burners; others are gas burners. 有些炉子是烧油的,有些是烧瓦斯的。
- She's got a good position in an oil company. 她在一家石油公司找到一份好工作。
- He is an oil worker ten year ago. 十年前他是石油工人。
- Water will not get an oil fire under. 水不能扑灭油火。
- Above it hung an oil painting by Rapheal. 它上方挂着一幅拉裴尔的油画。
- Experimental research on atomizing properties of spinning air atomizing spray nozzle of crude oil burner. 气动旋流雾化原油喷嘴雾化特性的实验研究。