- liberate prisoners, an occupied country 释放监犯﹑ 解放被占领的国家.
- They said they would send troops to liberate the occupied country. 他们说他们会派兵解放被占领的国家。
- Tibet is an illegally occupied country where the indigenous population has been horribly abused by the Chinese authorities. 西藏被非法占据,那里的本地居民一直受着中国当局的可怕虐待。”
- The army is making a well-phrased withdrawal from the occupied country. 军队正从占领区按计划分期撤出。
- an occupied country 被占领的国家
- The military government exercising control over an occupied nation or territory. 控制军政府对一被占国或其边境所实施的控制
- Drag one of the Button controls from an occupied cell and drop into onto another occupied cell. 将Button控件之一从一个占用的单元格拖到另一个占用的单元格中。
- A military court for trying people charged with minor offenses in an occupied area. 在敌国占领区设立的审理犯轻罪的人。
- However, if an occupied cell is hit with opponent`s ball, the opponent pays the cell price to the cell owner. 但是,如果是一个被占领的细胞与对手击中了球,对方支付细胞价格的细胞所有者。
- A checker slides orthogonally or diagonally until stopped by an occupied cell or the edge of the board. 一子在阴线或阳线上滑动直到碰到其他子或者边界.
- This action/shooting game places the strongest soldiers on earth, the Contra?, in an occupied city shell as they take on alien forces. 这个行动/射击游戏场所最强战士在地球上在一个被占领的城市空壳,因为他们采取的外来势力。
- The people of the occupied country conducted various activities against the invasion of the superpower. 被占领国的人民举行各种活动反对这个超级大国的入侵。
- Tohono Oodham human rights activists continued to be targeted as they defined their homeland as an occupied militarized zone. Tohono O'odham人权活动家继续有针对性的,因为它们定义自己的家园作为一个被占领非军事区。
- The army managed to keep the population of the occupied country under control for a few months,and them trouble began to break out. 军队设法将被占领国的人民控制了几个月,但后来还是出了事。
- The army managed to keep the population of the occupied country under for a few moths,and then trouble began to break out. 军队设法控制住被占国土的人民数月后,便开始出现乱子。
- The army managed to keep the population of the occupied country under control for a few months, and them trouble began to break out. 军队设法将被占领国的人民控制了几个月,但后来还是出了事。
- The army managed to keep the population of the occupied country under for a few moths, and then trouble began to break out. 军队设法控制住被占国土的人民数月后,便开始出现乱子。
- Military government is the form of administration by which an occupying power exercises governmental authority over occupied territory. 军事政府是佔领军对于佔领地区执行政府职权的管理当局型态。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- The protection you have largely depends on your status as an occupier. 学校宿舍安全性好,水电气费全免,不过比较贵。