- an occupancy of six months 六个月的占有期
- He got a remission of six months. 他获减刑六个月。
- The sentence of six months imprisonment was most unjust. 六个月监禁的判决极其不公。
- The play had a good run/a run of six months. 那出戏演了很久[演了半年]。
- After a lapse of six months we met up again. 相隔六个月之后我们又相遇了。
- The play had a good run of six months. 那出戏演了六个月。
- Their occupation of the flat lasted only for six months. 他们在这个套间只居住了六个月。
- Human angiostatin k(1-3) cDNA has been obtained by RT-PCR from total RNA of an abortive foetus of six months. 用6月龄大月份流产的新鲜肝脏组织为材料;提取总RNA;通过反转录得到cDNA;并以此为模板;经PCR得到人Angiostatin基因的AK(1-3)片段.
- After all, last year Delany's clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh's clients took nine. 不论如何,去年Delany的客户平均用六个月找到工作,而Walsh的客户平均用了9个月。
- To illustrate, assume that on November 1 Solarwind Company borrows $10 from its bank for a period of six months at an annual interest rate of 2%. 举例,假设太阳风公司于11月1日从它的银行借入10美元,为期6个月,年息2%25。
- Prices are based on full occupancy of an apartment. 公寓租金按全层住用为基础计算。
- We provide a full warranty for a period of six months. 我们提供为期6个月的完全保证。
- For an occupation of land in excess of the approved amount,part in excess shall be regarded as land illegally occupied. 超过批准的数量占用土地,多占的土地以非法占用土地论处。
- He said his father had sent him to the madrasa to join the good Muslims fighting an occupation of the infidels. 他说,他父亲把他送到这个宗教学校,来加入这些反抗异教徒占领的“好穆斯林们”。
- Sir, I'm sorry, we have the rule of six months warranty for a reason. 先生很抱歉,我们有规定只保6个月,我们有我们的难处(理由)。
- "There was formerly a fireplace in my dungeon," replied Faria, "but it was closed up long ere I became an occupant of this prison. “告诉你,”法利亚答道,“我的地牢里从前原有一个壁炉,在我住进来以前,早就已经不用了。
- It was decided to give the tinned puddings a trial run of six months in the chain stores of a subsidiary company. 已经决定在一家子公司的连锁商店试销罐装布丁6个月。
- The state of being an occupant or a tenant. 居住作为居住成员或客房的状态
- Nursing is an occupation of great responsibility. The well-being of patients must be constantly observed, understood, and evaluated. 护理是一个责任重大的职业。患者的健康状况必须得到不断的观察、了解和评估。
- Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public scrutiny. 几乎所有这一切都是非公开的,因为学习是意识的劳动,且这个过程不会为公众推敲而公开。