- With one cotton piece gently the cleaner of efface eyelid and eye eyebrow, begin to apply outward part from an internal angle of the eye, be not brushed forcibly or drag skin. 为唇部去死皮。每一个星期,用一个细小而纤幼的刷子或柔软的牙刷擦去唇部的死皮。
- I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- He tried the baths there for an internal malady. 他到那儿洗温泉对他的内科病进行浴疗。
- There was an internal conflict among themselves. 他们内部出现了一场内讧。
- The company is an international trader in grain. 这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司。
- They are going to hold an international exposition. 他们打算召开一次国际博览会。
- I worked as an intern for six months. You know. 你知道,我实习过半年的。
- There is an internal gateway error. 存在内部网关错误。
- An internal LAN Manager error occurred. 出现一个内部LAN管理器错误。
- An internal asynchronous request is pending. 内部异步请求挂起。
- An internal buffer has become full. 内部缓冲区已满。
- An internal consistency check failed. 内部一致性检查失败。
- An internal consistency error has occurred. 发生内部一致性的错误。
- London is an international mart for stocks and shares. 伦敦是个国际证券与股票的交易中心。
- An internal consistency timer has expired. 内部一致性计时器已经过期。
- An internal service error has occurred. 内部服务出错。
- Avoid the quick changes of casting structure, use fillet radius on internal angle when possible, which is no less than R0.3. 铸件结构应避免急剧变化,尽可能避免尖角,圆角应达到R0.;3以上。
- An internal software error occurred. 发生内部软件错误。
- The driver detected an internal driver error on %1. 驱动程序在%251上检测到内部驱动程序错误。