- They spent an inordinate amount of time and money on the production. 他们在生产上投入了过多的时间和资金。
- Those who are morally untrained spend an inordinate amount of time on their bodies. 那些欠缺道德训练的人会花过多的时间在他们的身体上。
- I spent an inordinate amount of time there,working continuously for hours,and my mother worried. She would try to lure me away. 我经常在那儿呆很久,一学就是几个小时。母亲很担心,她总是想办法让我下楼放松放松。
- They commonly run simulations and other CPU-intensive programs that would take an inordinate amount of time to run on regular hardware. 高性能集群通常会运行一些模拟程序和其他对CPU非常敏感的程序,这些程序在普通的硬件上运行需要花费大量的时间。
- For example, the DTD may contain nested entities or complex content models that can take an inordinate amount of time to process. 例如,DTD可能包含嵌套实体或复杂内容模型,可能需要很长的时间来处理。
- I spent an inordinate amount of time there, working continuously for hours, and my mother worried.She would try to lure me away. 我经常在那儿呆很久,一学就是几个小时。母亲很担心,她总是想办法让我下楼放松放松。
- Boomers grew up drunk on idealism and have always spent an inordinate amount of time congratulating themselves for this quality. 婴儿潮一代由理想主义的乳汁哺育长大,并过分自满于自身的条件。
- He said that the Government has always been acting as the inspector in the construction process and this has taken up an inordinate amount of time and resources. 他说,政府一向在建筑过程中扮演监督的角色,在这方面耗用过多的时间及资源。
- I spent an inordinate amount of time there, working continuously for hours, and my mother worried. She would try to lure me away. 我经常在那儿呆很久,一学就是几个小时。母亲很担心,她总是想办法让我下楼放松放松。
- Sometimes the abstraction itself may be so large that the theorem prover may take an inordinate amount of time and resources to complete the proof. 有时抽象本身可能是很大的工作量,以致定理证明程序可能花费过多时间和资源来完成证明。
- Some of my friends were sent away to camp, and the city offered free tennis lessons, but I remember spending an inordinate amount of time in the backyard hitting a tree with a stick. 我的一些朋友会被送去夏令营,城市会提供免费的网球课程,但我记得我花了相当多的一部分时间,在自家后院用棍子击打一棵树。
- Already, complaints about Chinese goods being dumped at below production cost take up an inordinate amount of time (recent footling disputes have involved light bulbs and tinned satsumas). 很自然的是,法国可能会领导这场“非互惠”运动,也就是说,除非中国能够满足欧盟的需要,否则欧盟就会对中国关闭其市场。
- The first is that people who are still in work seem to have an inordinate amount of spare time from nine to five. 首先,仍有工作的人在朝九晚五之外似乎有著过多的空閒时间。
- Many of us spend an inordinate amount of energy avoiding the process of telling others what we specifically want from them. 我们中许多人花了过分的经历来回避告诉别人我们具体对他们的希望。
- Some are even on foot-operated units where the production seldom ever exceeds 25 to 30 pants an hour, with an inordinate amount of double creases. 有些甚至步行经营单位的生产任何时候都很少超过25日至30日裤子一个小时,有过多的双重折痕。
- But developing such a library involves writing an inordinate amount of unreadable and unmaintainable template mumbo-jumbo. 但是,开发这样一个库需要编写大量难以阅读且难以维护的模板。
- The fear of admitting we are wrong causes us to place an inordinate amount of significance on information that tells us that we're right. 我们害怕犯错,所以为了不犯错,对正确的信息倾注了大量精力。
- Achieving all of these tasks and debating which ones should have higher priority or are more deserving of funding should occupy an inordinate amount of our mental energies. 完成这些任务,辩论哪一个优先级更高,哪一个应该有更多的精力投入。
- an inordinate amount of time 大量的时间
- "The long, rambling sentence, like one in our Credit Act that's 345 words long, is an inefficient way of writing," he said. "To produce that sentence and get it grammatically correct would take an inordinate amount of time." “使用冗长的、无休止的句子,例如我国信贷法中的一个三百四十五个字长的句子,是一种效率低下的写作方法,”他说,“写这样一个长句子,要想做到语法无误,该需要多少时间啊