- an injection against rabies 狂犬病预防注射
- He had a vaccination against rabies. 他做了疫苗注射以预防狂犬病。
- an injection against whooping cough 防治百日咳的针剂
- Did you have gas or an injection? 你是用的麻醉气还是打的麻醉针?
- To have your dog vaccinated against rabies. 给你的狗注射疫苗以预防狂犬
- The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain. 医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。
- We need an injection of new blood with fresh ideas. 我们需要有新观念的新人。
- An injection of penicillin costs about2 yuan. 打一针青霉素约花两块钱。
- At first blush, vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a simple solution. 乍一看来,为狼群注射防狂犬病疫苗是一种简单的办法。
- I'll have to give you an injection. 我必须给你注射治疗。
- You will need an injection every four hours. 你要每隔四小时打一针。
- The doctor asked me to get an injection. 医生让我注射治疗。
- Come to have an injection every other day. 每隔一天来打一针。
- An injection is better than pill . 注射比服用药片见效快。
- Dog owners should make sure their dogs are licensed and vaccinated against rabies. 狗主必须替其狗只领取牌照及替家畜作预防疯狗症注射。
- Please give me an injection of pain killer. 请给我打一针止痛针。
- Objective the paper summed up the four questions about the patients bitten by dogs before vaccinated against rabies. 目的总结了被犬咬伤患者在接种狂犬病疫苗前存在的四个问题。
- I think an injection is better than tablets. 我觉得打针比吃药好。
- All dogs 5 months and over must show proof of vaccination against rabies when they enter the show on show day. 凡年龄超过5个月以上之参展犬须于出赛日出示防疯狗症注射证明,方准进入会场。
- I want my nurse to give you an injection. 让我的护士给您打一针。