- As an inevitable outcome of the European economy and monetary integration, Euro has been fundamentally successful ever since its birth. 作为欧洲经济和货币一体化进程的必然产物,欧元从诞生几年来的运行来看,基本上是成功的:欧洲中央银行调控欧元的能力大大增强;
- The game of regional economic interest between China's central and local governments is an inevitable outcome in the course of marketization reform. 地方政府与中央政府的区域经济利益博弈是市场化改革进程中的必然产物。
- Although crisis may not necessarily be an intended result of the issuing authorities it is an inevitable outcome of the institutional flaws. 尽管危机并不一定是发行当局故意为之,但它是该种制度缺陷所产生的不可避免的后果。
- The emergence of this kind of phenomenon is an inevitable outcome of some religious praxes existing and developing in Chinese literature with common customs sprite. 这样一种文学现象的产生,是佛教和道教中的某些修炼义理和方法在具有浓郁世俗精神的中国文化里存在、展的一种必然结果。
- The civil admission system,which is an inevitable outcome of the litigious pattern of adversary system, differentiates the admission in lawsuit from the admission outside lawsuit. 民事自认制度对诉讼上自认和诉讼外自认予以不同的制度安排,对诉讼上自认的法律规定构成它的重心。
- Although crisis may not necessarily be an intended result of the issuing authorities, it is an inevitable outcome of the institutional flaws. 危机未必是储备货币发行当局的故意,但却是制度性缺陷的必然。
- The present railway collision is an inevitable accident in the eye of law. 此次火车相撞事件,就法律观点来看是一场无法避免的灾祸。
- An Inevitable Outcome: Teaching Mode Directs to Aesthetic Development 一种必然的趋势:教学模式的审美化发展
- It is an inevitable law of nature. 这是不可避免的自然规律。
- Compromise is an inevitable part of life. 妥协是生活不可避免的一部份。
- As an inevitable consequence;necessarily. 无法避免的;必然地
- It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. 那是这个决定的必然后果。
- As an inevitable consequence; necessarily. 无法避免的;必然地
- Market diversification is an inevitable trend. 市场多元化是一个不可逆转的趋势。
- Taijiquan--An inevitable outcome for Taoism should be suited to the changed social conditions 太极拳是道教适应社会的产物
- The canyon unfolds in an inevitable sequence. 峡谷按照必然的顺序显露出来。
- But there is an inevitable corollary of this. 如此一来,会产生一个难以避免的结果。
- its rise is an inevitable outcome of contemporary international political devolvement . "第二轨道"的兴起是当代国际政治演化发展的必然产物。
- Death is an inevitable part of life. 死亡是人生的必经阶段。