- an inclusive tour 包括一切费用在内的旅游
- Operator to perform an inclusive logical disjunction on two expressions. 运算符对两个表达式执行包含逻辑析取。
- I cann't live out of a backpack .Let's get an inclusive deal,a swimming pool and room service. 我受不了背包旅行.;让我们给他们谈个协议
- Why she wants to embarrass me? Because she can only rely on an inclusive heart in the future. 为什么要难为我?因为她下辈子只能依靠一颗包容的心。
- Do staff and pupils see the school as an inclusive learning environment for children with SEN? 学校是否为有特殊教育需求的孩子提供了全纳的学习环境?
- How a teacher uses drama to foster an inclusive atmosphere and its impact on those children with low self-esteem? 题目:教师如何运用戏剧促进教室的包容气氛,以及它对低自尊孩子的冲击。
- The BETWEEN keyword specifies an inclusive range, in which the lower value and the upper value are searched for as well as the values they bracket. BETWEEN关键字指定包含的范围,将搜索该范围的上限值、下限值以及介于这两个值之间的值。
- The proposal was an inclusive one, and enabled them to analyze all the proposals which had been made throughout the process. 提案具有包容性,使他们能够分析在整个讨论中提出的所有提案。
- We work in an inclusive environment that embraces change, new ideas, respect for the individual and equal opportunity to succeed. 我们工作在一个接纳宽容的环境中,我们倡导变革丶新观念,尊重个人,提供每个人相同的成功机会。
- It had started a process, which it hoped would remain on the table, until solutions were found, in an inclusive, democratic and transparent manner. 它已经启动了一项程序,它希望该程序能够继续进行,直到通过包容、民主和透明的方式找到解决方案。
- This week Mr Karzai promised to remove the “stigma” of corruption and form an inclusive government that will be a “mirror of Afghanistan”. 本周,卡尔扎伊许诺要清除腐败的耻辱,而且形成一个全方位的政府,以成为“阿富汗的镜子”。
- There is agreement by both ZANU-PF and MDC that an inclusive government is needed to bring Zimbabwe out of its economic chaos. “非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”和“争取民主变革运动”都同意,要使津巴布韦摆脱经济困境,建立一个包括各方的政府是必要的。
- British anthropologist Edward Tylor was one of the first English-speaking scholars to use the term culture in an inclusive and universal sense. 英国人类学家爱德华泰勒是最初几个把英语中“文化”这个概念扩大到更普遍范围的学者之一。
- An unnamed group is defined as an inclusive part of the content model of a complex type definition, as opposed to being named and explicitly referenced. 未命名组作为复杂类型定义的内容模型的内含组成部分来定义,与命名和显式引用相对。
- Second, to be more than just the latest corporate buzzword, diversity programs require commitment from the top and a culture that supports an inclusive environment. 其次,多元文化计划并不仅仅是一种时髦的说法,它要求企业领军人物的决心和一个有利于形成兼容并包的工作环境的文化氛围。
- On Monday, Souther Africa southern African leaders said agreement has had been reached on forming ... an inclusive government by Freburary 13thFebruary 13. 在周一,南非领导们说会在2月13日协议共同建立一个相互包含的政府。
- The act includes, among [other things] amending the Constitution, instituting an inclusive political process and implementing political and national reconciliation. 这一方案要求修改宪法、实现政治程序的包容、并且要实现政治上的和解、全国上下的和解。
- An inclusion of 350 patients in total, with a follow-up of 3 years is foreseen. 试验样本容量为350人,试验时限为3年。
- Internet is not only the source of information but also the important intermedium of tourism commercial activities, such as reserving hotels or flights, renting cars and carrying out inclusive tours. 英特网不仅是信息源,而且是旅游商业活动的重要媒介,包括预订饭店、航班、租车和包价旅游。
- You have not been included yet, though you have submitted an inclusion request. 你没有被列入但是,尽管你已经提交了加入的要求。