- This is an impregnable fortress. 这个堡垒是攻不破的。
- Unity is strength./ Unity of will is an impregnable fortress. 众志成城。
- The castle shows two faces: It is a princely residence to the lakeside but an impregnable fortress to the mountains. 城堡有双向功用,既是面向湖畔的高贵居所,也是面向山脉的险要军事要塞。
- "Harry - we've just got to grit our teeth and do it," said Ron on Friday morning, in a tone that suggested they were planning the storming of an impregnable fortress. “哈利,我们得咬紧牙关试一试了。”罗恩星期五上午用一种他们似乎要进攻一座固若金汤的城堡的语气说。
- Perhaps this would not have been so had it been possible to get rid of M. de Villefort; but, like the feudal barons who rebelled against their sovereign, he dwelt in an impregnable fortress. 要是人们能除掉维尔福先生的话,情形或许就不会象现在这个样子,但他就象那些敢于违抗国王的封建诸侯一样,住在一个无法攻陷的堡垒里。
- an impregnable fortress; fortifications that made the frontier inviolable. 一个坚固的城堡;防御工事使得边境不可侵犯。
- an impregnable fortress; fortifications that made the frontier inviolable 一个坚固的城堡;防御工事使得边境不可侵犯
- Strengthening the Construction of the Chinese Communist Party to Build Up an Impregnable Fortress of Anti - corruption 加强党建工作,筑起反腐保廉的铜墙铁壁
- The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead. 这个队以 5:1 的绝对优势领先。
- The Sword Gate used to be an impregnable pass. 剑门雄关。
- The lawyer won his case with an impregnable argument. 律师以无可辩驳的论据打赢了那场官司。
- an impregnable fortress 坚不可摧的要塞.
- Only in this way can you be in an impregnable position for good. 也只有这样,你才能永远立于不败之地。
- an impregnable fortress. 固若金汤的堡垒
- They will establish impregnable fortresses. 他们将建造坚不可摧的城堡。
- I am achieving tall purity not to have angst condition hard, impregnable fortress, achillean. 我正努力达到高纯度无焦虑状态,铜墙铁壁,刀枪不入。”
- No monarch in his impregnable fortress is more secure than the cony in his rocky burrow. 在巩固城堡中的王并不会比在岩石洞穴中的沙番更安全。
- The force of our party is deep take root at people in, this ability is true impregnable fortress. 我们党的力量深深扎根于人民群众之中 ,这才是真正的铜墙铁壁。
- Drogba has lost a bridgehead against the impregnable fortress of Cluj defensive approach appears to be not more than Chelsea do. 失去了德罗巴的桥头堡,对付克鲁日铜墙铁壁的防守切尔西确实显得办法不多。
- Business then had entrenched itself into an impregnable position in American life. 那时商业已在美国生活中占据了坚不可摧的地位。