- The fortress is an imposing building. 这座城堡是一座宏伟的建筑。
- This person has an imposing appearance. 此人气宇轩昂。
- The castle is an imposing building. 那座城堡是座气势宏伟的建筑物。
- an imposing journey 壮游
- It gave an imposing appearance to most of the wholesale houses. 这样就使许多大商店显得富丽堂皇。
- The Capitol at Washington, D. C., is an imposing building. 华盛顿的国会会堂是一座很有看头的建筑物。
- The San Siro is an imposing stadium but we can't freeze. 圣西罗是一座豪华壮丽的球场,但我们不会被吓住。
- At six feet and five inches he really is an imposing figure. 有6尺5寸高的他已经是个令人难忘的景象了。
- He is a man of remarkable presence, and walks with an imposing air. 他果然气宇不凡,走起路来龙行虎步的。
- At Sherry's an imposing doorman opened the coach door and helped them out. 他们到了谢丽饭店门口,一个仪表堂堂的看门人替他们打开车门,扶他们下了车。
- It was an imposing scene, into which Deerslayer now found himself advancing. 眼前的场面给杀鹿人留下极其深刻的印象。
- An imposing presence, lanky and angular at 6 feet 8 inches tall, Mr. 加尔布雷思先生,6英尺8英寸的个子,瘦瘦高高,这样的体形给人留下了难忘的印象。
- Today, the Central Sikh Temple is an imposing building, capped by an impressive dome. 如今,中央锡克庙是一个重要建筑,有一个令人印象深刻的圆顶。
- The "Weifeng Drum Dance"in Linfen Prefecture, Shanxi Province, has an imposing manner and militant bearing. 山西临汾地区的"威风锣鼓",气势非凡、威风凛凛,
- Together, these specific powers form an imposing arsenal of regulatory authority. 总之,这些具体权力构成了一个具有强制力的武器库。
- Baba Fareed was quickly succeeded by an imposing figure, Amir Khusrau 1253-1325 CE. 酵母酒蛋糕Fareed由一个轰烈的图,Amir Khusrau 1253-1325迅速成功了。
- Measuring an imposing 42mm diameter, the Wheel Watch is available in two styles: the Petrolhead and Chronograph. Wheel Watch拥有42毫米超大直径,目前提供两种款式:Petrolhead与Chronograph。
- The "Weifeng Drum Dance" in Linfen Prefecture, Shanxi Province, has an imposing manner and militant bearing. 山西临汾地区的"威风锣鼓",气势非凡、威风凛凛
- A competition for an imposing building project of the late Kaiser period was announced in Berlin. 在皇帝统治末期柏林为一个大规模的建筑工程举办了一个比赛。
- The performer tries an imposing experiment in clairvoyance, working simultaneously with a member of the audience. 执行者尝试一个轰烈的实验在洞察力, 同时运作以观众的成员。