- They said they had an important matter to discuss with you. 他们说有要事与你相商。
- I can't understand his silence on such an important matter. 我真不懂他对如此重要的事情竟闭口不谈。
- Some people are rather proud of being ignorant of such an important matter. 有些人因不知道如此重要的一件事而颇感自豪。
- I have an important matter to talk to you about. 我有件重要的事要和你谈谈。
- I apologize for encroaching upon your valuable time, but I should appreciate you advice in an important matter. 我很抱歉占用您宝贵的时间,但有一件重要事情我希望能得到您的建议。
- We can't leave such an important matter unfinished. 我们不能让这样一件重要的事半途而废。
- How could you pass over such an important matter? 你怎么能忽略如此重要的事情?
- Your safety is an important matter. 你的安全非常重要。
- Could you have forgotten such an important matter? 这么重要的事,难道你忘了吗?
- I can not understand his silence on such an important matter. 我真不懂他对如此重要的事情竟闭口不谈。
- She said she had an important matter to discuss with me. 她说有件重要事情要和我商量。
- Why didn't you consult with me on such an important matter? 这么重要的事情,你为什么不和我商量?
- I have looked for Abby for several days for an important matter. 我为一件重要的事情找了阿比好几天。
- There is an important matter I would like to talk to you about. 有一件重要的事情我要跟你讨论。
- Don't interrupt me; we are talking about an important matter. 不要打断我的话,我们正在谈论一件重要的事情。
- They said they had an important matter to discusswith you. 他们说有要事与你相商。
- Said of an important matter kept very secret by an exclusive few. 一件重要的事件仅为少数几人所知,并保守秘密。
- Diacetyl is an important matter affecting the flavor of beer . 双乙酰是影响啤酒风味的重要物质。
- I can't leave such an important matter undone/unfinished. 我不能让这样一件重要的事半途而废。
- How careless you are to forget such an important matter! 你忘记这麽重要的事,真是个粗心的人。