- He preserved an impenetrable mystery as to the means by which he is transported from one place to another. 他把来去乘坐的工具蒙在不容探知的神秘中。
- Time and circumstances have drawn an impenetrable mystery around all else connected with the Huffers. 世事的推移使一切与赫特一家人有关的事物笼罩上一层难以看透的神秘之幕。
- an impenetrable mystery 不解之谜
- He's all bottoned up in an impenetrable little coat of complacency. 他把自己牢牢关在小小的令人费解的自我陶醉外衣之中。
- He's all button up in an impenetrable little coat of complacency. 他把自己牢牢关在水泄不通的、小小的自我陶醉外衣之中。
- It was a new experience for me to confront an impenetrable wall. 对我来说,面对一堵穿不过的厚墙是一种从未有过的经历。
- He 's all bottoned up in an impenetrable little coat of complacency . 他把自己牢牢关在水泄不通的、小小的自我陶醉外衣之中。
- As we look at it from here it appears to be an impenetrable green wall. 由这里望去,它象是一堵密不透风的绿墙。
- It was as if an impenetrable black mass was charging me at ramming speed. 看起来就像是一个难以穿透的黑物正飞快得向我冲过来。
- Morality and good deeds are unfailing investments. Compassion and love make an impenetrable shield. 德行善举,是永不失败的投资;慈悲大爱,是永不战败的盾牌。
- Most of the cabs are filthy, and almost all of them sport an impenetrable, bulletproof partition. 车辆大都十分肮脏,几乎所有的车都触目地装有难以穿透的防弹隔离装置。
- It is impossible for an impenetrable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing impenetrable. 那就拿你的矛来刺你的盾吧,看看结果怎么样?”
- Not only can these techniques represent a usability issue to able bodied users they can present an impenetrable barrier to less enabled visitors. 这些技术的运用对于正常人来说没什么问题,但是对于残疾人就造成了很大的障碍。
- However, except for a certain period during ovulation, the cervical opening is plugged by an impenetrable mucus. 但是,除排卵的特定时间以外,子宫颈的开口由难以渗透的粘液所栓塞。
- The simple truth is that an impenetrable shield does not coexist with a pierce-all spear. 夫不可陷之盾与无不陷之矛不可同世而立。
- An empty stream, a great silence, an impenetrable forest.The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish.There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine. 空气温暖,浓重而呆滞,灿烂的阳光下却没有欢乐,荒芜人烟的漫长水路绵延向前,一直延伸到远方浓荫的幽幽暗暗之中。
- an impenetrable difficulty, mystery, problem, etc 无可克服的困难﹑ 难解之谜﹑ 百思莫解的问题
- An impenetrable fortress. 无法通过的森林
- The farther we drove, the more the silence in our station wagon grew until it stood like an impenetrable wall between Dad and me. 我们开得越远,旅行车里就越显得寂静,直到在我和父亲之间仿佛筑起了一堵不可穿透的墙。
- On Alaska's north slope there are dinosaur bones, lots of them.But they're trapped in an icy tomb - an impenetrable wall of permafrost. 阿拉斯加的北坡掩埋着许多恐龙骸骨,但是它们被永远难以穿透的冻土层包住了,就像是被困在一个冰冷的坟茔里。