- An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America, and by historical science, in the death of this man. 这位伟人的逝世不但使欧洲和美洲战斗的无产阶级蒙受了巨大损失,也给历史科学带来无可估量的损失。
- Thus it would result in an immeasurable loss and self-destruction to our nation. 那么对民族和社会的发展,都将是不可估量的损失和自我摧毁。
- An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America,and by historical science,in the death of this man. 这位伟人的逝世不但使欧洲和美洲战斗的无产阶级蒙受了巨大损失,也给历史科学带来无可估量的损失。
- He has an immeasurable faith for the future. 他对未来怀有无限信心。
- Her patience is an immeasurable advantage. 她的耐心是一个巨大的优势。
- ... the death of this man, Europe and the United States for the fighting of the proletariat, for the history of science, is an immeasurable loss. 但是,从另一种意义上说,时至今日,人们仍时时感受着马克思的精神光芒和心灵跳动。
- There was an immeasurable distance between the quick and the dead. 活人和死者之间的距离有十万八千里。
- In today's knowledge society, knowledge has an immeasurable effect. 在当今这个知识社会, 知识有着不可估量的作用。
- an immeasurable loss 不可估量的损失
- Historical experience proves that in a crisis, an immeasurable instinct for survival often bursts out of humanity. 历史经验证明,人类在危机中往往迸发出不可估量的求生本能。
- EU citizens have done an immeasurable service to future generations of all nations through its courageous new energy policies. 欧盟公民经由这项胆识过人的新能源政策,为各国未来世代子孙所带来的利益将难以计量(注3)。
- At present, management of intangible assets is almost blank in universities and colleges so that intangcble assets run off from time to time, which has caused immeasurable loss. 目前,高校中无形资产管理还几乎是一项空白,无形资产流失现象时有发生,为高校的发展造成了不可估量的损失。
- How could they endure the anguish unless they were certain that some purpose lay behind their children's murders, that some meaning could be found in immeasurable loss? 如果他们不确定凶手们的目的,又怎能经受得了这种痛苦,在不可估量的悲痛中可以找到一些意义吗?
- We have an immeasurably big God. 我们有一位无穷伟大的神。
- To write or to speak is almost inevitably to lie a little. It is an attempt to clothe an intangible form; to compress an immeasurable into a mold. 无论作文还是说话,都几乎难免搀点儿假。那是试图以有形的形式表达无形的东西,试图将无限的东西压缩在一个模子里。
- From there, driven by an immeasurable passion and desire, LeBron began his quest to become the best basketball player ever. 从那里,驱动难以估量的激情和欲望,勒布朗开始了他的追求,成为最好的篮球运动员。
- The one according to nagarjuna is an immeasurable, incomprehensible, Void that can only be known through the experience of nirvana. 所谓“一心”之论,龙树菩萨认为,其不可量度,不可理喻言传,涅槃中的体验惟其可以观“空”。
- An immeasurably or incalculably minute amount or quantity. 无穷小的数量:非常小,几乎无法测量的数量。
- This series of incentive mechanism for the rapid development of GE has made an immeasurable contribution to GE is also a sustainable source of strength. 这一系列的激励机制为GE的迅猛发展做出了不可估量的贡献,同时也是GE得以持续发展的力量源泉.
- Although HIV was found earlier capture of human ancestors have an immeasurable role in AIDS, but in a short period of time to find the real cure is not realistic. 尽管发现HIV 更早的祖先对人类攻克艾滋病有不可估量的作用,但是要想在短时间内找到真正治愈的方法却并不现实。