- Junko spent a year in California as an exchange student. 淳子作为交换学生在加州呆了一年。
- Alexandra: No, I'm from Greece.I'm an exchange student. 不是,我是从希腊来的,我是一名交换学生。
- Debbie purchased several kakemono scrolls during her year as an exchange student in Japan. 德比在日本做交换学生时买了几卷画轴。
- Kevin : No, no, "oh." I became her cause celebre.I was an exchange student in my own home. 别“噢”,因为我的事被闹得满城风雨,在家我就象是个另类的人。
- Kevin: No, no," oh." I became her cause celebre. I was an exchange student in my own home. 别“噢”,因为我的事被闹得满城风雨,在家我就象是个另类的人。
- Letter of Recommendation is needed if he/she is an exchange student on an exchange program. 校际交流的学生需提供学校的推荐信。
- I Approve / do not approve the admission of this applicant as an exchange student in my college (department). 同意/不同意接收该名学生到我院(系)交换学习一个学期。
- De ie purchased several kakemono scrolls during her year as an exchange student in Japan. 德比在日本做交换学生时买了几卷画轴。
- Last March,I went to Jeju island as an exchange student .Then I know more about Korean culture. 从重庆到天津到韩国济洲岛到我还没有实现梦想的欧洲,我总在寻找另一方广阔的天地。
- In the same year, he came to the United States as an exchange student pursuing an M.S. Degree in Computer Science at Middle Tennessee State University. 同年,他作为国际交流学生来到美国,在田纳西州中部州立大学攻读计算机硕士学位。
- If you have attended more than one undergraduate institution, other than as an exchange student, briefly indicate the reasons for your transfer. 如果您曾在一所以上的大学就读过,而且并非出于院校之间互换学生,请简单地注明原因。
- Hello! I just got my MA and have been an exchange student in Dankook University, Korea. I want to go ahead with my Korean study. 你好,我今天刚刚研究生毕业,曾经在韩国做过交换学生,我想继续学习韩文。
- Five years later he went to Gottingen University in Germany as an exchange student, majoring in Sanskrit and lesser-known ancient languages like Pali. 5年后,他以交换生身份前往德国哥廷根大学深造,主修梵文和极为生僻的巴利语等古代语言。
- I stuty in Emporia State Uni. as an exchange student, I decided to move out of the campus, cause it is really expensive to live on campus. 所有的人认为是我小题大做,认为是我敏感,现在我终于逃出那间虽然仅仅居住了一个月却充满回忆的屋子,也终于觉得解脱了。
- I'm an exchange student from ESAG i didn't get accommodation put through last semester, i will be Grenoble in this october. 上学期没有申请到房子,我十月份来格勒诺布尔,能找到住的地方吗?
- It's all downhill for Hugh Grant, with girlfriend Jemima Khan at the posh French ski resort last month. Grant said he's loved France since visiting as an exchange student at 13. 英国著名影星休·格兰特与女友洁米玛·柯寒2月份在法国这一滑雪胜地。格兰特说,当他作为交换学生初次来到法国时就爱上了这里。
- Answer: To my surprise, it was the chance meeting with Prof. Wilson that later on afforded me an opportunity to study at his university as an exchange student. 学校将延长图书馆和教室的开放时间,尽量满足学生的需要。
- An unexpected and amazing stream of experiences began in our family when my son agreed to a blind date with Lise, an exchange student. 当我的儿子同意与从未谋面的交换学生莉萨交往,我们家就开始了意想不到的并且令人惊奇的经历。
- Well, I am sure that being an exchanging student to Burgundy School of Business is a new starting point in my life. I will try my best! 感觉对法国的了解没有体现出来,帮你加了几句:可以考虑把自己的个人内容减点,总之,看你现场需要说几分钟为准)
- As an exchange student, you have to learn to depend on yourself and you will often be asked to explain your country and culture to others. 作为一个交换生,你必须学会独立自主,而且有人还会经常请你去向别人解释你自己的国家和文化。