- Source of an essential oil, sometimes cultivated. 一种必要的油的来源,有时栽培的。
- An eastern Mediterranean plant(Lilium candidum) having white, bell-shaped flowers that yield an essential oil used in perfumery. 白百合花一种生长于地中海东部地区的(白花百合百合属)植物,开白色的铃铛形花朵,从中可提取出一种用于制香水的重要油脂
- A tropical Asian grass(Cymbopogon nardus) having bluish-green, lemon-scented leaves and an essential oil. 亚香茅亚洲热带的一种草(亚香茅香茅属),长有蓝绿色、柠檬香味的叶子和香精油
- An essential oil was extracted from cortex moutan by steam distillation.And the oil was analyzed by GC-MS. 采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取丹皮中的挥发油,并用GC-MS方法对挥发油化学成分进行分析,用归一化法测定其相对含量。
- Source of peppermint oil, an essential oil used for flavoring confectionary, candies, liqueur, and chewing gum. 用于调味品糖果店,糖果,甜露酒并且嚼的口香糖的薄荷油的来源,一种必要的油。
- An eastern Mediterranean plant(Lilium candidum) having white,bell-shaped flowers that yield an essential oil used in perfumery. 白百合花一种生长于地中海东部地区的(白花百合百合属)植物,开白色的铃铛形花朵,从中可提取出一种用于制香水的重要油脂
- An eastern Mediterranean plant(Lilium candidum)having white,bell - shaped flowers that yield an essential oil used in perfumery. 白百合花一种生长于地中海东部地区的(白花百合百合属)植物,开白色的铃铛形花朵,从中可提取出一种用于制香水的重要油脂
- An essential oil obtained from the seed-bearing cones of the common juniper, most commonly used for flavoring gin and liqueurs. 杜松子油,刺柏(子)油:一种香油,从普通桧属植物的含种子的球果中得来,最常用于给杜松子酒和利口酒调味
- Clary sage is an essential oil that much like sage has a cleansing affect upon one's field and environment and has a sweet smell. 快乐鼠尾草是一种象鼠尾草一样的精油,具有清理能量场、环境的效果,同时具备一种清甜的气味。
- An essential oil was extracted from Myrrha pretreated with cellulase by using steam distillation.The chemical constituents were separated and identified by GC/MS. 采用水蒸汽蒸馏法分别从未处理和纤维素酶前处理的没药中提取挥发油,利用气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)联用技术对其挥发油成分进行分析。
- Knowing the chemotype of an essential oil i.e its “biochemical race” allows you to specify the biochemically-active molecule(s) on the therapeutic level. 由于天然的植物生态环境千变万化(举凡阳光、雨量、土壤成分、纬度、邻近的的植物生态等等),每一批天然植物精油的效益都会因为其分子的变化而有所不同,因此确实执行各种科学检测便变得十分重要。
- A stout aromatic Mediterranean herb(Salvia sclarea) in the mint family, having showy violet, pink, or white flower clusters and yielding an essential oil used as a flavoring and in perfumery. 鼠尾草植物一种唇形科粗壮、芳香的地中海草本植物(南欧丹参鼠尾草属),有艳丽的紫色、粉红色或白色花簇,并产香精油,可用作调味品或用于香水制造业
- Surprise is an essential component of my plan. 我这项计划主要就是想使大家惊喜一下。
- A stout aromatic Mediterranean herb(Salvia sclarea) in the mint family,having showy violet,pink,or white flower clusters and yielding an essential oil used as a flavoring and in perfumery. 鼠尾草植物一种唇形科粗壮、芳香的地中海草本植物(南欧丹参鼠尾草属),有艳丽的紫色、粉红色或白色花簇,并产香精油,可用作调味品或用于香水制造业。
- Source of an essential oil. 一种必要的油的来源。
- A stout aromatic Mediterranean herb(Salvia sclarea)in the mint family, having showy violet, pink, or white flower clusters and yielding an essential oil used as a flavoring and in perfumery. 鼠尾草植物一种唇形科粗壮、芳香的地中海草本植物(南欧丹参鼠尾草属),有艳丽的紫色、粉红色或白色花簇,并产香精油,可用作调味品或用于香水制造业
- Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche? 损人利己是否是人心灵的主宰?
- An essential or constituent element; a moment. 必要的或构成的元素; 契机
- Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent. 特有的,固有的拥有的本质上的特征; 固有的
- A good sleeping bag is an essential part of every campers equipment. 一个完好的睡袋是每个露宿者必不可少的装备。