- an enthralling performance 动人的演出.
- Arsenal twice came from behind at the Emirates to secure a draw against United in an enthralling game last Saturday. 阿森纳在上周六的比赛里在两度落后的情况下但最终还能扳平曼联.
- Ecuador and Chile have finished playing the first match, with Chile winning 4-1 in an enthralling game. 在已经结束的激动人心的揭幕战中,智利队以4:1战胜了厄瓜多尔队。
- An enthralling adventure, a stirring love story and a luminous tale of a vanished America in all its savagery, solitude and splendor. 面对乱世中各种变化,三人凭著坚执信念,能否死守共同拥有的回忆,以及至死不渝的爱情?
- Amazon Assassin A Wildlife Whodunit enters the world of forensic investigation to recreate and try to solve an enthralling wildlife whodunit. 在亚玛逊热带雨林,住有一种动物天真无邪、体态娇媚的三趾树懒。树懒拥有异于常动物的颈骨,甚至比长颈鹿的颈骨还要多;
- That was certainly not the case at the weekend, as Old Trafford witnessed an enthralling contest between two old adversaries. “说实话,是我们的失误让比赛变得有趣,我们本应大比分获胜的,而不是在补时阶段的绝杀。”
- It was claimed Bellamy, who scored twice in the game, struck a spectator who had come onto the pitch as Manchester United recorded an enthralling victory. 翻译成中文的意思就是,正当曼联队庆祝这个迷人的胜利之时,有传闻生成这场比赛攻入两球的贝拉米攻击了一冲入场内的观众。
- Danish youth international Nikola Saric struck deep into stoppage time to earn McMahon's side a share of the spoils after an enthralling 3-3 draw. 在3比3进球大战中,丹麦青年国脚萨里奇补时阶段的射门帮助麦克马洪的球队赢得比赛一分。
- A simple little badge, it seems inappreciable, there maybe an enthralling story or happy memories behind; it can also be a growth experience and witness of existence. 简简单单的一个小小襟章,看似价值不高,背后可以是扣人心弦的故事或是快乐的回忆;也可以是成长的经历和存在的见证。
- The singer gave an erratic performance. 演唱者未唱出水平。
- The performance is drawing to an end. 演出接近尾声。
- A stunning debut of Robin Aubert, you could call it a surreal fairy tale, a powerful psychodrama or a ghost-driven sci-fi horror, but it is above all an enthralling search for family and roots. 先是在路上撞见只剩骨骸的鬼新娘拦车,接著摄影师又在住进旅馆后离奇失踪,一只玩具熊极可能是唯一目击者;而有人告诉他旅馆老闆早就死了,那在柜台接待他的究竟是谁?他逐步发觉自己和小镇有密切的关连,最后的答案保证让你意想不到。
- Genial sunshine, gentle breeze, mountains and forests all tinged, the world presents an enthralling view of autumn, which can not only be seen and listened, but also be tasted and felt. 阳煦的阳光,凉爽的清风,满山层林尽染,大地一派秋景。不仅可以用眼欣赏,用耳聆听;还可以用嘴咀嚼,用心感受。
- The performance was an undoubted success. 演出无疑是成功的。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- The last time the two teams met at Chelsea was amazingly over twenty years ago, in January 1985, where the two teams cancelled each other out in an enthralling 2-2 draw in a F.A.Cup match. 两队最近一次在切尔西主场的交锋还得追溯到二十多年前的1985年1月的英格兰足总杯,当时两队经过激烈的对抗难分伯仲,最终以2:2平分秋色。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- This film tries to decode the mystics of the fascinating land of Tibet,a civilization nearest to the sky,an enthralling shrine of Buddhism,the landscape of tradition and pure white of snow. 本片从多角度为你解读神秘西藏那让世界著迷的生死轮回的净土;离天空最的的神秘古老的文明;令人神往和不容侵犯的佛教圣地;
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。