- She had an enigmatic smile on her face. 她脸上有谜般的微笑。
- She gave an enigmatic smile. 她深不可测地微微一笑。
- ” Lester smiled an enigmatic smile. 雷斯脱现出一种暖昧的微笑。
- the oracular sayings of Victorian poets; so obscure that priests might have to clarify it; an enigmatic smile. 维多利亚时代诗歌谜一样的话语;太神秘了以致牧师们不得不去阐释它;神秘的微笑。
- Yvan Attal is very convincing in an enigmatic character. 伊万-·阿达勒所饰演的迷一样的男主人公非常有说服力。
- Tonight with an enigmatic mix of house and chocolate-coated voice. 巧克力般香浓的嗓音,具备天使歌声的圣洁气质,摇滚狂放的演出,十足英国流行灵魂味。
- an enigmatic smile 神秘的笑
- Japan is thought to be an enigmatic country by foreigners. 日本被外国人认为是一个不可思议的国家。
- Foreigners consider Japan to be an enigmatic country. 外国人似乎认为日本是个不可思议的国家。
- Since then he has been an enigmatic figure at the periphery of the profession. 从此以后,他在建筑界一直是个谜样人物。
- The Local follows Noname, an enigmatic man running from a tortured past. 一个本地人,姓名不详,他只是个从痛苦折磨中走出来的神秘男子,只能称之为无名氏。
- The background is a dramatic landscape. But the focus of the painting is the attractive, gentle but enigmatic smile on the face of Mona Lisa. 背景是一处动人的风景,但画的重点是蒙娜·丽莎脸上那迷人、温柔而又神秘莫测的微笑。
- The background is a dramatic landscape. But the focus of the painting is the attractive,gentle but enigmatic smile on the face of Mona Lisa. 背景是一处动人的风景,但画的重点是蒙娜·丽莎脸上那迷人、温柔而又神秘莫测的微笑。
- Dengue is an enigmatic virus, difficult to diagnose and impossible to quarantine. 登革热病毒是一个谜一样的病毒,它很难被诊断出来也不可能被隔离。
- The world's biggest Mona Lisa has been unveiled just as the secret of her enigmatic smile was revealed for the first time. 世界上最大的蒙娜丽莎就如她神秘的微笑之谜一样首次揭开面纱。
- Onequestion has intrigued art lovers around the world for generations:what is the secret behind the Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile? 有个问题在世世代代的艺术爱好者脑海中萦绕不去:蒙娜丽莎神秘莫测的微笑背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密?
- I knew a young lady of the last"romantic"generation who after some years o f an enigmatic passion for a gentleman. 我还认识一个女孩子,也是属于过去的“浪漫派”一代的,她对于一位先生暗暗爱了好几年。
- The response given through such a medium, often in the form of an enigmatic statement or allegory. 神渝通过这样的中介所传达的神秘的启示或言语
- I knew a young lady of the last "romantic" generation who after some years of an enigmatic passion for a gentleman. 我还认识一个女孩子,也是属于过去的“浪漫派”一代的,她对于一位先生暗暗爱了好几年。
- The response given through such a medium,often in the form of an enigmatic statement or allegory. 神渝通过这样的中介所传达的神秘的启示或言语。