- He was blackmailed by an enemy agent (into passing on state secrets). 敌特威胁他(要他交出国家机密).
- He was examined on (the) suspicion of being an enemy agent. 他因敌特嫌疑而受审查。
- An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。
- We'll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol. 我们不得不冒著可能遇上敌人巡逻兵的危险。
- He is an enemy in the likeness of a friend. 他是个伪装成朋友的敌人。
- secure an enemy agent with handcuffs 给敌特带上手铐
- The ship was sunk by an enemy torpedo. 这艘船被敌人的鱼雷击沉了。
- The enemy agent just shriveled up when we searched him out. 当我们把那个敌特搜查出来时,他吓得缩作一团。
- Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war. 劫掠物,战利品战时取自敌人的战利品
- He is an enemy in a friendly guise. 他是个装扮成朋友的敌人。
- To turn(an enemy spy) into a double agent. 反间谍使(敌方特务)成为双重间谍
- A wild animal will sometimes freeze in its tracks when it smells an enemy. 野生动物有时候在嗅到敌人临近时会突然动也不动地站住。
- A tunnel dug to intercept and destroy an enemy's mine. 对抗地道截断或破坏敌人坑道而挖的地道
- All admire his boldness in sailing into an enemy harbor to attack their ships. 他驾船驶进敌人港口攻击敌舰,大家对他的勇敢都很钦佩。
- There's not much fear of an enemy attack (taking place). 敌人不太可能发动攻击。
- The man mimed the slaying of an enemy. 此人比手划脚地表演砍死一个敌人的情况。
- The enemy agent just shrivelled up when we searched him out. 当我们把那个敌特搜查出来时,他吓得缩作一团。
- They captured an enemy stronghold successfully. 他们顺利地攻克了一个敌军据点。
- An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad. 敌人炮兵集中炮火于那个十字路口。
- A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend. 戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。