- Ramos, Aquino's first military chief of staff and later her defense secretary, was at one point urged by officers to join an attempted coup. 拉莫斯当上了阿基诺的第一位总参谋长以及后来的国防部长,期间曾经有官员要求他参与一次未遂的政变。
- Mr Aliyev was last year sentenced in absentia to 40 years in prison by Kazakhstan's courts for crimes including staging an attempted coup and kidnapping. 去年,哈萨克斯坦法庭以涉嫌阴谋暴乱、策划绑架等罪名,对阿利耶夫进行了缺席审判,判处其40年有期徒刑。
- Ramos, Aquino's first military chief of stafflater her defense secretary, was at one point urged by officers to join an attempted coup. 拉莫斯当上了阿基诺的第一位总参谋长以及后来的国防部长,期间曾经有官员他参与一次未遂的政变。
- The article is an attempt to defame an honest man. 这篇文章旨在诋毁一个正直的人。
- He studied hard in an attempt to pass the exam. 他努力学习试图通过考试。
- He made an attempt on the world record. 他试图打破世界记录。
- He cut desperately at me rope in an attempt to free his foot. 他拼命地割那根绳子,以摆脱脚上的束缚。
- The citizens sallied out in an attempt to break the siege. 市民们进行突击,试图冲破包围。
- The new censorship laws is an attempt to gag the press. 新的新闻审查法目的在于剥夺新闻界的言论自由。
- The new censorship laws are an attempt to gag the press. 新的新闻审查法目的在于剥夺新闻界的言论自由。
- My sister's husband indirectly took part in the attempted coup d'etat. 我姐姐的丈夫间接地参与了不成功之政变。
- He missed an attempt for a shoestring catch and the ball rolled to the bullpen. 他错过了球快落地时抢接的机会,球滚到场外替补队热身区去了。
- The pickpocket was thrashing around in an attempt to get free. 那个扒手拼命挣扎,试图脱身。
- He was charged with an attempted crime. 他因犯罪未遂而被起诉。
- We put the helm hard over in an attempt to swerve. 我们把船尽量往一边靠以便转向。
- an attempted coup 政变未遂
- The murder was actually an attempted coverup. 那起谋杀实际上是试图毁灭罪证。
- An attempt to recapture the past. 一次重温过去的尝试
- One of the most outspoken critics of the Venezuelan leader, Rosales ran afoul of the leftist president after he was linked to a 2002 attempted coup against Chavez. 罗萨莱斯以直言不讳地抨击委内瑞拉政府而著称,由于被牵连到2002年针对查韦斯的未遂政变,他成了这位左派总统的眼中钉。
- He flourished the weapon in an attempt at bravado. 他挥舞武器意在恐吓。