- an army a million strong 百万大军
- an army claiming to be half a million strong 号称50万大军
- Zerah the Cushite, with an army one million strong and three hundred chariots, made an incursion which reached to Mareshah. 那时,雇士人则辣黑率领百万大军,战车三百辆,前来进攻,到了玛勒沙。
- On auspicious-day he would led this monkey army, a million strong. 他要选择一个黄道吉日,率领这支百万猴军。
- Now Zerah the Ethiopian came out against them with an army of a million men and 300 chariots, and he came to Mareshah. 代下14:9有古实王谢拉率领军兵一百万、战车三百辆、出来攻击犹大人、到了玛利沙。
- He's an army sergeant. he needs a loud voice. 他是个好军人。他需要有大嗓门。
- An army, like a snake, fight on its belly. 军队好比一条蛇,要靠肚子来打仗。
- A squad is the smallest unit in an army. 班是军队的最小构成单位。
- The First Emperor mobilized massive conscripted labor forces, including convicts and prisoners, by some accounts up to a million strong, to conduct this building campaign. 为了加强统治,防止北方游牧民族的侵扰,秦王朝投入了巨大的人力物力来修筑长城,所以说它是中国古代劳动人民血汗的结晶。
- A coward is a reproach to an army. 懦夫是军队的耻辱。
- The director of a firm corresponds to the commander of an army. 公司的经理就等于是军队里的将军。
- His debts mounted up to a million dollars. 他的债增加到一百万美元。
- A city without gun or water is defenseless before an army. 无枪炮或缺水的城市在大军围攻时是无法自卫的。
- The record was a big hit and sold a million copies. 这张唱片非常成功,卖了一百万张。
- An army commander must be skilled in tactics. 一名军事指挥官必须精通战术。
- He ripped off the government of a million dollars. 他诈骗了政府一百万元。
- Don't pass up this chance to win a million dollars. 不要放过这赢取一百万元的机会。
- Obedience to order is very important in an army. 服从命令在军队中是很重要的。
- Box-office receipts amounted to over a million. 票房收入超过了一百万。
- Her last film grossed (ie earned) a million pounds. 她拍最後一部影片总共赚了一百万英镑。