- an arbitrage broker 套利的掮客
- Is there an arbitrage opportunity? 此时套利机会是否还存在呢?
- In a way, he was advertising an early version of an arbitrage fund. 从某种程度上说,他在为一种早期版本的套利基金做广告。
- Although they could be bad for somebody who's trying to be an arbitrage trader or Wall Street lawyer. 不过这些影响对想成为套期交易商或华尔街律师的人来说可能是负面的。
- Additionally, it can lead to an arbitrage position as an investor attempts to lock in a small return at expiry. 同时,当投资者打算锁定到期时的最小收益时,可以产生套利机会。
- Because you don't lose when you place an arbitrage trade, you're not betting at all - you are trading. 因为,做出差价交易的时候您什麽也没损失,您根本都没赌---您只是在交易。
- If, after adding up the percentages for each leg of the event, your total percentage is less than 100, you have found an ARBITRAGE opportunity. 如果,将每段赛事的百分比相加之后,您的总百分比少于100,您就算找到了差价机会。
- It looks like the outside of an arbitrage house just before trading hours, or perhaps the private entrance to Madison Square Garden when the Knicks are playing basketball. 这很像即将开始交易的套利公司的外头,或是尼克队在麦迪逊花园广场的篮球赛开打之前,球场私人入口的样子。
- Similarly, I do not see why Hong Kong stocks cannot be co-listed in the Shanghai stock market through an arbitrage arrangements We are discussing the mechanics of it. 同样,我也看不出香港股票为何不能通过套利安排在上海股市交易我们正在讨论相关的机制。
- He set up in business as an insurance broker. 他开始从事保险经纪人的职业。
- They have also argued that an arbitrage mechanism to facilitate price equalisation would not be in the interest of Hong Kong. 他们又指出使价格趋于一致的套戥机制并不符合香港利益。
- The spot rate is higher in London, an arbitrage dealer would quickly buy dollars with pounds in New York and sell the dollars in London for pounds. 如果伦敦的现汇率较高,套汇者就会赶快在纽约用英镑买进美元,然后在伦敦卖出美元,买进英镑。
- One dead-wrong rumor was given considerable prominence by a major national magazine, and another leading publication misled its readers by writing about an arbitrage position as if it were a long-term investment commitment. 曾经有一家全美举足轻重的媒体杂志刊登一项完全错误的谣言,另外一家出版业者则将一桩短期的套利投资误当做是一项长期的投资,
- Leo Emil Wanta, born 1940, is an American businessman who claims to be the Reagan-appointed trustee of potentially trillions of dollars, the result of an arbitrage scheme to sink the Soviet economy. 生于1940,美国商人,据称是里根委派的潜在的上万亿美元的托管人,套汇交易计划的结果就是使苏联的经济沉没。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- She spent an hour in quiet contemplation. 她静静地沉思了一个小时。