- We're pleased to have an”all McCauley system for the venue. 致使整套系统提供甚至超出我们预期的音质及表现。
- The “Registration of Demurrer” is an important legal system. 异议登记是不动产登记制度的重要内容之一,它是为保全真实权利人的不动产物权请求权而进行的登记。
- Is, as Mr. Nixon said, our prestige at an all time high? 是否如尼克松先生所说,我们的声望正前所未有的高?
- The Government gave (top) priority to reforming the legal system. 政府将改革法制列为工作的重点。
- We should strengthen the legal system. 我们应加强法制。
- The hotel offer an all in rate of 150 a week. 该饭店每周的包价为150英镑。
- Is our prestige at an all time high? 我们的声望是否正前所未有的高?
- He developed a complete legal system. 他设想了一个完整的法律制度。
- Are you going on an all expense tour? 你打算作全包旅游吗?
- We must promote our democracy and our legal system. 民主要坚持下去,法制要坚持下去。
- He has an earnest desire to be an all round person. 他迫切希望成为一个全面发展的人。?
- Have you read the chapter on the legal system? 你读过论述法律制度的那一章吗?
- Wally is an all right guy, please believe in him. 沃利是一个好小子,请相信他。
- Their legal system parallels our own. 他们的法律制度与我们的相似。
- The book is an all and human nourishment. 书籍是全人类的营养品.
- WTO and Reforms of Chinese Legal System II. 与中国法律改革2。
- Lead, for example, is at an all time high. 如铅,处于历史最高点。
- The Legal System of Governmental Procurement. 法律援助制度。
- This in not an all inclusive listing. 这个目录并未包含全部的标准。
- Her brother is an all right fellow. 她的弟弟为人可靠。