- We live in an age of rapid technological advance. 我们生活在技术迅猛发展的时代。
- an age of rapid change 风云变幻的时代
- "In an age of rapid development of science and technology, new branches of studies keep cropping up. 在科学技术迅猛发展的时代,新兴学科不断产生。
- During the period of Reform Movement of 1898, the Reformists were keenly aware that the world had already entered an age of rapid development for science and technology. 摘要戊戌维新时期,维新派清楚地意识到世界已经进入了科学技术飞速发展的时代。
- First, this will be an era of rapid change. 首先,这将是个瞬息万变的新纪元。
- This is an age of constant change of events. 这是个风云变幻的时代。
- An age of ideological confrontation. 一个意识形态对抗的年代
- American society is one of rapid change. 而美国社会是个快速变化的社会。
- In an age of enlightenment such cruelty is unforgivable. 在文明时代,这麽残忍是不能宽恕的。
- Nowadays in an age of rapid technological advancement as modern design internationalizes, New Year poster develops and re-creates with the language of modern design and is applied to modern designs. 在科学技术高速发展的今天,随着现代设计国际化的发展,民间年画运用现代设计语言不断发展创新,其在现代招贴设计当中的应用,具有重要的现实意义。
- In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy. 在快速变化的年代,经验可能是你最大的敌人。
- This was an age of innocence and happiness. 这是一个天真无邪和幸福的时代。
- We are living in an age of anxiety. 我们生活在一个忧患的时代。
- The answer is: No, but in an age of enlightenment. 答案是否定的:我们正处于启蒙时代。
- Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. 青春期就是多变的时期。
- The modem age is an age of electricity. 当今时代是电气时代。
- It gives them a sense of permanence in an age of change. 在变化的时代,传统给了他们一种永恒感。
- The Romantic period is an age of poetry. 浪漫主义时代也是诗歌的时代。
- In an age of political conformity, he is special. 在人云亦云的政坛上,他是佼然不群的。
- With an electorate wary of rapid change and a system designed to frustrate it, Japan has rejected the reform it needs. 选民对飞速变化的畏惧心理加上旨在挫败改革的一套系统,日本将它急需的改革拒之门外。