- Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members. 安全理事会关于程序事项之决议,应以九理事国之可决票表决之。
- The amended Article 27 provides that decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members. 经修订的第二十七条规定:安全理事会关于程序事项的决定,必须有九个理事国的赞成票才能做出。
- An affirmative statement or vote. 肯定的陈述肯定的陈述或表示赞成
- An affirmative vote or voter. 赞成票或投赞成票者
- There are at least 1000 Chinese without a house in Edmonton. She will need 100 signatures to be eligible for an affirmation vote. 如果想做代表,就应先开个投票的帖子,让大家选举你当代表。
- An affirmative element or characteristic. 明确的要素被证实的因素或特点
- Facts have already given us an affirmative answer. 事实回答是有的。
- "All men are mortal" is an affirmative proposition. “人总是要死的”,是一个肯定命题。
- An affirmative or consenting reply. 是确定或赞同的回答
- We are expecting an affirmative answer. 我们盼望得到肯定的答复。
- Who can take an affirmative reply? 谁能给一个肯定的答复。
- Who can give an affirmative response? 谁能给一个肯定的答复.
- Two negatives make an affirmative. 两个否定构成肯定。
- Who can make an affirmative answer? 谁能给一个肯定的答复.
- At present I can't give you an affirmative answer. 目前我没法给你一个肯定的答复。
- I can't give you an affirmative reply now. 目前我没法给你一个肯定的答复。
- an affirmative vote 赞成票
- an affirmative vote. 赞成票
- In data communications, the transmission by a receiver of acknowledge characters as an affirmative response to a sender. 数据通信中,由接收方向发送方传送应答字符作为肯定回答的传输过程。
- Bylaws may be adopted, mended or repealed by the affirmative vote or by the written consent of holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the corporation entitled to vote. 经公司持有多数上市且附有投票权的股份的股东同意,可以通过、修正或废除章程。