- An advocate of or a specialist in eugenics. 优生学家优生学方面的专家或倡导者
- He was an advocate of Doctors Commons in 1604. 1604年他任民法博士协会律师。
- An advocate of a particular ideology, especially an official exponent of that ideology. 理论家,倡导者某一理论的提倡者,尤指对此意识形态的正式阐释
- an advocate of pacifism 和平主义的倡导者
- He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships. 他是一个提倡多造飞机、少造军舰的人。
- An advocate of the study of ancient Greek and Latin. 鼓吹、拥护学习古希腊和拉丁语的人
- An advocate of the policy of deliberate inflation achieved by increasing the supply of available currency and credit. 通货膨胀支持者支持通货膨胀政策的人,即主张有意增加可利用的货币量和信用量
- I fell into the trap of many negotiators of becoming an advocate of my own negotiation. 我掉进了许多谈判代表经过的陷井,成为自己参加的谈判的鼓吹者。
- She has always been an advocate of changes to English spelling, to make it easier to learn. 她一贯主张对英语的拼写进行改革,使之更易于学习。
- An advocate of a particular ideology,especially an official exponent of that ideology. 理论家,倡导者某一理论的提倡者,尤指对此意识形态的正式阐释
- Throughout his lifetime, Van Andel was an advocate of freedom and free enterprise. 作为一名自由创业的企业家,他崇尚并倡导自由创业的精神。
- Wang Yuan was an important disciple of Yan-Li school, and an advocate of the statecraft study style of the early Qing. 摘要王源是清初颜李学派的重要传人,也是清初经世致用学风的倡导者。
- But protectionism contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s, and after World War II the United States became an advocate of freer trade. 然而保护主义导致了20世纪30年代的大萧条,因此第二次世界大战之后美国开始主张自由贸易。
- His ecological worldview can be summarized as a protest against urban life and new technology, and an advocate of agriculture and simple life. 哈姆生的生态思想可以被归结为反对城市文明,反对新技术,崇尚农业和简朴的生活。
- This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform. 这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。
- An advocate of nonviolence and vegetarianism, he revived and reorganized Jaina doctrine and established rules for its monastic order. 身为一名非暴力和素食主义的倡导者,他改良并重建了耆那教教义,制定僧侣行为的规范。
- One had only to mention the subject of pacifism in the Colonel's presence, and he saw red. 有人在上校面前只提到反战主义这个题目,他就大发脾气。
- An aggressive young man caught James' attention;he had graduated from an advanced nursing school and called himself an advocate of animal rights. 一个很有进取心的年轻人引起了詹姆斯的注意,他毕业于高级护理学校,并称自己是动物权益的拥护者。
- An advocate of communal living. 公社主义者公社生活的拥护者
- Mr.Munger also was an advocate of Berkshire's $4 billion investment in Iscar Metalworking Cos., an Israeli maker of metal-cutting tools, in 2006. 芒格还是伯克希尔2006年向以色列金属切削工具生产商IscarMetalworkingCos.;投资40亿美元的支持者。