- An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign. 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划; 一项候选人的政治计划
- The company has committed funds to an advertising campaign. 公司已决定拨款作广告宣传。
- The agency is mapping out an advertising campaign for the new product . 经销处在给新产品设计广告。
- The agency is mapping out an advertising campaign for the new product. 经销处在给新产品设计广告。
- An advertising campaign for the new product promptly moved into high gear. 一项新产品的广告运动迅速进入高潮。
- Recently ,the order has declined ,we need an advertising campaign once more. 近来订货量下降了;我们需要再搞一次广告宣传活动.
- There is every sign that an advertising campaign,even on a modest scale,will produce very good result. 种种迹象表明,即使是一个适度的广告宣传运动也能产生良好的效果。
- The bank launched an advertising campaign to lure back its traditional customers. 这家银行做广告,想将银行的老客户吸引回来。
- There is every sign that an advertising campaign, even on a modest scale, will produce very good result. 种种迹象表明,即使是一个适度的广告宣传运动也能产生良好的效果。
- Grant Thornton plans to launch the new branding with an advertising campaign aimed at print, radio and TV. 此外,均富国际计划在平面媒体、广播电视上发起广告宣传战,以推广新标识。
- You may design an advertising campaign, work on a publicity project for a client, or shape a seminar you'll soon teach. 你可能要策划一个广告文案,举办一场为客户而召开的展会,或者成形你即将要发表的研讨会。
- To create an advertising campaign capable of winning over new young consumers with a modern, fun and pleasant brand image. 创作一个广告宣传,通过现代、好玩而愉快的品牌形象赢得新的年轻消费者。
- Running an advertising campaign for a selected product will improve its sales. A bigger advertising budget means a bigger sales boost. 对选定的产品打出宣传广告,将提高它的销售。一个更大的广告预算意味着更大的刺激销售。
- Running an advertising campaign for a selected product will improve its sales.A bigger advertising budget means a bigger sales boost. 开展宣传活动;对选定的产品将提高它的销售.;一个更大的广告预算意味着更大的刺激销售
- The application of a concentrated means of persuasion,such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion,in order to develop a specific belief or motivation. 强制灌输思想集中劝说的行为,尤指广告战或重复地建议,目的在于使人建立一种信任或形成一种动机。
- The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation. 强制灌输思想集中劝说的行为,尤指广告战或重复地建议,目的在于使人建立一种信任或形成一种动机
- He won the advertising industry's equivalent of the Oscar, the Andy Award, in the late 1980's for an advertising campaign for Ciba-Geigy. 在19世纪80年代末,保罗获得了代表广告艺术典范的国际安迪广告奖,此奖与奥斯卡奖齐名。
- A key challenge for agencies in creating an advertising campaign was in the nature of a bankcard: It has no moving parts that can break down; nor is it a fashion item to be tweaked and improved. 代理商们的制作这个广告的一个最大的挑战是银行卡的本质特征:它没有可以被分离下来可以运动的部件;它也不是一个能变形或者发展的物体。
- The advertising campaign is still in preparation. 广告宣传攻势仍在准备中。
- an advertising campaign aimed mainly at teenagers 主要面向青少年展开的广告运动