- Abstract:Objective To explore the clinical features and pathologyical changes of amyloid polyneuropathy. 摘 要:目的 探讨类淀粉性周围神经病的临床特点及病理改变。
- Objective To explore the clinical features and pathologyical changes of amyloid polyneuropathy. 目的探讨类淀粉性周围神经病的临床特点及病理改变。
- Abstract: Objective To make clear the real type of the first familial amyloid polyneuropathy(FAP) family in China. 摘 要: 目的 对我国首次报道的家族性淀粉样多发性神经病(FAP)家系进行各项研究,以期发现其真正类型。
- Grafts used in Domino lier transplantation (LT) obtained from liing donor lier transplantation (LDLT) for familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) patients hae been mainly used as reduced grafts. 源于家族性淀粉样多发神经病(FAP)活体供肝肝移植(LDLT)患者的供肝一直主要以减体积移植肝用于"多米诺"肝移植.
- Conclusion Diagnose this disease according to clinical features and biopsy of peripheral nerves and skin,the liver transplantation is an future treatment for amyloid polyneuropathy. 结论 根据临床特点及周围神经皮肤活检进行诊断,肝移植是治疗本病最有前途的方法。
- Portuguese type familial amyloid polyneuropathy 葡萄牙型家族性淀粉样多神经病
- Rukavina type familial amyloid polyneuropathy 路卡维纳型家族性淀粉样多神经病
- Van Allen type familial amyloid polyneuropathy 凡爱伦型家族性淀粉样多神经病
- hereditary amyloid polyneuropathy 遗传性淀粉样多神经病
- Hereditary amyloid polyneuropathy Portuguese type 遗传性淀粉样多神经病, 葡萄牙型
- Liver transplantation for familial amyloid polyneuropathy 肝移植治疗家族性淀粉样变多发性神经病
- Results Amyloid polyneuropathy is chronic progressive peripheral neuropathy,can be accompanied by injured of cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys; 结果本病为慢性进行性周围神经病,可伴有心、胃肠、肾等损伤。
- Containing amyloid deposits, as an organ. 蜡样的器官等含淀粉蛋白沉积的
- familial amyloid polyneuropathy 家族性淀粉样多神经病
- amyloid polyneuropathy 淀粉样多神经病
- Every RCS on one AP has a mate RCS on its pair AP. AP 上的每个 RCS 在其配对 AP 上都有一个配对 RCS。
- She repeated the gist of the AP bulletin. 她把美联社电讯的要点又讲了一遍。
- An AP is characterized as online or offline. 在线或离线也可以作为刻画 AP 的特征。
- The meters show your HP, MP, and "AP". 在四处奔走的时候,你将随机遇敌,进行战斗。
- The AP in the GUI will be a lighter gray. GUI 中的 AP 将会是浅灰色。